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boogie on the bridge photos 2

matthew | 09.07.2005 01:40 | G8 2005

more photos from boogie on the bridge, and the street party

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Looks good to me

09.07.2005 04:26

This looks like a classic case of people exercising their democratic right to protest without fucking with the rights of others.

Lots of kids. Lots of smiling people. Even a cop has been caught smiling and apparently being friendly towards a protestor.

Then they all walk together, allowing other road users to get on their way.

Protest enjoyed.

Traffic freely flowing.

The ripples on the pond of life smooth over and the world keeps turning as if nothing has happened.

Ah, the majesty of western democracy.



09.07.2005 09:58

Aye, well it had a far more definable aim (No M74 extension) which was of interest to local people. And it looks to have been quite family friendly. And it probably snarled up traffic in Glasgow for a while.

Perhaps it's time we all went back to this roots stuff and give the big gesture events that attract the Italian / Spanish hoodies a rest for a few years. Stop reading Chomsky (who states the blindingly obvious anyway) and go to a few local planning meetings.



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