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Unprecedented police harrassment operation against Wombles

IMCista | 08.07.2005 21:16 | G8 2005 | Repression | London

Since Friday 1 July, some 12,000 police officers from across the UK have been carrying out one of the largest and most successful operations against summit protesters ever experienced. After Saturday's Make Poverty History march, this small army has used new powers to clamp down on almost every protest - of whatever kind. One activist group in particular has been targeted in an extreme way - the Wombles. This is the story of 'Operation Get Wombles', and incorporates yesterday's newswire post. It may contain some innaccuracies on numbers and times but the general thrust is correct.

Saturday, 2 July

Red Pepper magazine reports that an officer from London Met's so called Forward Intelligence Team (FIT) had been overheard warning a 'Womble' that the police were "going to get you lot this time".

Wednesday, 6 July

Having spent much of the day lamenting the lack of early morning protests, sleeping and then chopping onions for a large meal at the Glasgow Convergence Centre in the rented warehouse in Dora Street, a minibus set off at 6.30 pm taking 8 Wombles and 4 others, including a one year old child, to camp at the eco-village in Stirling. The bus had travelled just two blocks when they were suddenly blocked in and surrounded by five vans of riot police, some 12 police motorbikes and three vans of police dogs. A police helicopter circled overhead. The 11 people were arrested on suspicion of “conspiracy to cause a breach of the peace” and then bundled into a police prison transporter van with tiny blacked out windows and individual cells. This is highly unusual – such vans are normally used only for prisoners being transported from police stations to prisons or court and not for arrests. Over 100 officers are said to have been involved in the operation, most were reported to have not been wearing their identity numbers.

The transporter was then escorted as part of a giant police motorcade with police bikes blocking of street entrances and junctions ahead, and vans providing cover and front and back of the 11 arrested suspects. Inside the prison transporter, many of the activists reported via mobile phones that they seemed to be the target of a kind of “special forces operation” normally reserved for actual dangerous criminals or highly wanted suspects – like terrorists – not a group of friendly anarchists and autonomists whose direct action activities are mainly focused around squatting social centres and fighting labour precarity in neoliberal Europe. One of the Wombles said that “it felt like they thought Bin Laden was in the minibus”.

Five of the arrested were dropped off at London Road police station, which is just five minutes from Dora Street. The six others were driven around for what seemed a long time, visiting a number of police stations before arriving at Baird Street station in central Glasgow. Where they were interviewed and then formally charged. Concerned friends spent seven hours ringing up every police station in Glasgow to track the prisoners down before Baird Street finally confirmed their presence at around 1am. Fortunately, a friend picked up one of the arrestees child after police had given the arrested mother just an hour and a half to find someone to pick the child up or it would have been into the care of social services.

Once in the cells for the night, the prisoners were given no blankets to keep them warm. One was put in a cell with a glass wall and UV lights so that officers could watch him – such a set up is usually for drug addicts or those on suicide watch.

Thursday 7 July

The charges against the group of activists were due to be heard at Glasgow's Sheriff's court at 2pm. When they arrived, they were taken to the cells of the court. When some forty supporters arrived at the court house at 2pm to enter the public gallery, there was a massive police presence inside and outside – some 30 officers (all in black) alone were standing in the lobby. In a contravention of normal practice, the police inside the court informed the supporters when they would be allowed to go in – normally, you are allowed to enter the public gallery when you want. The supporters went through the airport-style security check; they were then individually thoroughly searched by police and had their pens confiscated on grounds that they could be used as “offensive weapons”. Police also lined the stairs and escorted people in two's into the public gallery where another 16 police offiers were standing, 8 on each side, of the gallery.

The judge entered the court room at 2.30pm (14.30) and proceeded to make a speech about “the dignity of his court”, that he would not accept any misbehaviour or disruption whatsoever and would use “the severest powers of contempt of court on anyone” who stepped out of line. He empowered the police to remove anyone misbehaving. The proceedings started and first up were hearings for around 12 local twenty-something males, charged with a variety of petty crimes. Then at about 4pm, the judge adjourned the session for a 10 minute break. When the Wombles supporters stood up to leave the public gallery for that break, a senior police officer notified them that their 11 friends had all been “liberated” and would be waiting outside. The supporters were “furious” at having been tricked into spending all that time in the public gallery for nothing.

The 8 Wombles and 3 others were actually charged with "conspiracy to breach the peace". Despite being released, they remain charged and the police had up to a year to decide whether to pursue the prosecutions.

When the 40-50 people left the Sheriff's Court at around 4.40pm (16:40), the group then headed for a pub across a bridge but soon turned back when some 60 police, this time in yellow bibs, and a police camera van could be seen lined up across the other side of the bridge ready to stop and search the group. They eventually found another pub, The Sharkeys, all the time being discreetly followed by police vans. After about an hour - during which time the group drank, watched the TV footage of London (where most were from), and some of those who had been released attempted to call friends at home to make sure they were OK after the bomb blasts - (approx. 18.00), 2 police officers came into the pub and began looking around. A number of people asked them what they were looking for and why they were in the pub. According to an eye-witness, the police response was very aggressive and they began shouting at people and then pushed one man. Heated words were exchanged and 1 officer began threatening the group with arrest. The group of activists stood up and asked the police to calm down.

3 people followed the police outside of the pub and began writing down their numbers. As the male police officer continued behaving aggressively, one the of activists said: “get a proper job”. The police response was to push him up against the pub door and try to arrest him. The activist fell through the pub door, at which point the 2 police officers grabbed, assaulted and arrested another activist who was simply standing outside the pub. As people started to spill out of the pub, out of nowhere 4 minibuses and a few cars containing some 40 to 50 police in all black uniforms (wearing 'e' numbers). Two more people were arrested for either assault or obstruction. One of the arrested was a Womble. Some of the group asked the police why they were provoking a situation "when we our minds are in London where our friends and loved ones could be seriously injured or dead?". Apparently, a number of female police officers looked like they had been crying and did not look happy with the operation they were on. As this was going on, some of the police went into the pub to talk to the bar owners.

Some 20 minutes after the incident began and with their friends now driven away, the group of activists finally went back inside the pub to finish their drinks. Moments later, a new group of 20 to 25 police officers entered the pub, including Chief Inspector Brian Murphy of Pitt Street Central police station in Glasgow, surrounded their tables and announced: "The bar owner has asked you to leave, finish your drinks as soon as possible and leave the pub". The bar owner had apparently said nothing of the sort and was more scared by the behaviour of the police. When the police were challenged, they responded by saying "this is not a debate, you've got ten minutes to drink up and leave". The group stayed for a further 10 minutes and in that time were constantly harrassed, even followed to the toilets.

When the Wombles and others finally left the pub, they found that a large number of police had lined entrance across the pub. The police made a further announcement, demanding that the activists "disperse" from the area and not in one big group but in small groups of 3 to 4 people. The police were asked under what law was this action being taken. The response from the officer in charge was "there are many laws I can use" but failed to state one. The activists then finally left as requested. It is being claimed that there were five undercover cops in the pub carpark from Special Branch.

Friday 8 July

Today, the three people arrested outside The Sharkey's pub were apparently charged with committing a breach of the peace and bailed to appear before a court in September or October. But tonight there is still confusion as to whether any charges have been brought or not and clarification is being sought. At 4pm this afternoon, the police still had hold of their possessions.

Tonight the harrassment and intimidation goes on. Since around 6pm, police, including a FIT team, have been moving in and out of a pub where some of the Wombles are having a quiet drink. On leaving, a member of the London Met was heard to say ““have a good night, hope to see you in London”. This is threatening behaviour against people who have done a great service to London-based activists over the last five year in helping to protect people against police violence on demonstration, in opening up social centres where we can meet, talk about politics, plan campaigns and actions, in promoting the ideas of self-organisation and anti-authoritarianism, and in showing solidarity to oppressed people across the world. They have also made a huge contribution to help get people up to Scotland and find accommodation. Given the extent of the repression against political protest this week in Scotland and the massive misuse and blatent violation of police powers in that clampdown, if police harrassment of the Wombles continues, its intended objective will backfire. Tonight in Edinburgh, after another small demonstration – this time against war, terrorism and the war on terror – was met with a huge police presence and declared illegal, after another day of constant stop and searches, of being filmed and lied to about what laws are being used and what we must do to comply with them, more and more people are saying “We are all Wombles”.



Hide the following 13 comments

Stencil Head

08.07.2005 23:26


>> Forward


09.07.2005 07:29

My heart bleeds for you all. It just appears the wombles were a victim of their own "success" do you really expect the criminal justice system in Scotland to just ignore you.. hello great poetic licence in the story (more like a fairy tale) in the mention of cops all dressed in black as if this was a sinister arm of the local police forces, all cops in scotland wear black uniforms,, duh.
There are no judges in the sheriff courts, they are sheriffs and as for your so called harsh treatment in the cells well im sorry but thats what happens to anyone who comes to scotland intent in causing trouble the signs on the motorways heading south will in your cases be changed from haste ye back to good riddance i think the score so far is cops 1 protesters nil you are the weakest link goodnight

mail e-mail:

"Tripod" - cop or twat?

09.07.2005 09:14

"My heart bleeds for you all. It just appears the wombles were a victim of their own "success""

Hmm, what success is that then? Sucessfully running social centres perhaps? Before the WOMBLES ever appeared in public, the CRIMINAL JUSTICE system was briefing against them, and despite FIT-up after FIT-up, not one single charge has stuck. After 5 years of harrassment, the "intelligence" provided by the Forward Intimidation Team remains as shit as ever.

" hello great poetic licence in the story (more like a fairy tale) in the mention of cops all dressed in black as if this was a sinister arm of the local police forces, all cops in scotland wear black uniforms,, duh."

Except for the ones who wear flourescent jackets ............ and believe me, there was a discernible difference in the way the two lots acted outside Sharkeys.

" do you really expect the criminal justice system in Scotland to just ignore you"

I'm sure no-one expects the CRIMINAL JUSTICE system to ignore the WOMBLES - we just don't expect them to take the CRIMINAL JUSTICE tag so literally.........

"There are no judges in the sheriff courts, they are sheriffs"

Hurrah - according to Wikipedia:

"In Scotland a sheriff is a judge in the second tier court, called the Sheriff Court. The sheriff is a professional judge in comparison with the District Courts in Scotland or the English lowest courts which are presided over by lay magistrates."

According to

"In solemn procedure in both the High Court of Justiciary and the sheriff court, a trial takes place before a judge sitting with a jury of 15 people. The judge decides questions of law."


"In summary procedure in sheriff and district courts, the judge sits without a jury and decides questions of both fact and law."

According to the BBC:

" the Sheriff is a full-time judge with the power to hear a wide range of both civil and criminal cases."

A judge by any other name is still a judge.

" and as for your so called harsh treatment in the cells well im sorry but thats what happens to anyone who comes to scotland intent in causing trouble"

Which law is used to suggest that you can use unlawful acts against protestors who come to protest against a summit that includes your own national leader?

As the story says, massive resources were employed to detain 11 people for no good reason - and then more resources were used to create violent thuggery by your "faerie cops" in black, in the carpark of Sharkey's. The locals in the pub were shocked by the behaviour of your lawless faeries - which kind of suggests it was an unusual level of thuggery even for the Scottish Faerie Black Bloc.

" the signs on the motorways heading south will in your cases be changed from haste ye back to good riddance"

Surely if they've committed all these fantastic crimes, then they won't be leaving in the near future - unless of course it is the case that they haven't actually done the things that are rumoured against them.

" i think the score so far is cops 1 protesters nil you are the weakest link goodnight"

Good night sweetheart, goodnight.

Protestors went off to Scotland with a view to disrupting the summit and calling it's legitimacy into question. Despite the unlawful, thuggish and violent behavior of the Scottish Faerie Force and the Forward Intimidation Team brought in from London to teach the local yokels how to "do it". The cops failed to prevent the Stirling group from getting to and blockading the M9, set up a situation where several businesses got trashed, and saw fences at Gleneagles brought down - despite a massive £20 million budget. It certainly isn't something to gloat about.......

The NGOs are condemning the failure of the summit to address the issues they pretended they would deal with - and the whole thing was a flop.

You certainly are a pedant and a twat. I lay money on you being a cop as well. Your mindset is perfect. You support thuggery and lawlessness only if it is state violence and thuggery.


"Tripod" - cop or twat?

09.07.2005 09:24

Correction to above:

Should read:

Before the WOMBLES ever appeared in public, the CRIMINAL JUSTICE system was briefing against them, and despite FIT-up after FIT-up, not one single SERIOUS charge has stuck. After 5 years of harrassment, the "intelligence" provided by the Forward Intimidation Team remains as shit as ever ie "faerie stories"



09.07.2005 10:01

tripod, you're a tosser. and you don't represent scotland, much as you'd like to. away back to the porn sites where you belong.


Just got back

09.07.2005 10:59

Tripod, I've just got back from Stirling wher for 3 nights the law kept chpooers hovering overhead, refused to let people leave the convergence randomly, kept the convergence locked down fro about 3/4 of a day to 'prevent a possible breach of the peace' and searched each and every person entering and leaving the site @ 1 stage. You telling me we're paranoid?



09.07.2005 11:31

what if no one went to protest at the G8

what if they went to the Bilderberg meeting instead

[where it was decided that amongst other things
that Shreoder should fall on his sword in Germany
this has happened like clockwork]

perhaps we need a new strategy

how about
silent mournful protest

everyone in grey
like winston smith

or open weeping
and a show of human emotion

something that would be impossible to spin

a disturbing thing to witness

what about a day
of non-action

tools down

big PR campaign for nothing whatsoever

which would give the press nothing to report
[begging the question would that be reported?]

a spanner in the works?

i don't honestly know

just ideas for future [non] actions

paul c


10.07.2005 10:03

FIT took their eye off the ball, straightforward as that. Had they not been so concerned with surveillance on groups that were going to be acting north of the border, maybe they would have been able to prevent the loss of life caused by the London bombs. Surely it must have been patently obvious that wasting resources the way the Met did by targeting groups without a violent agenda, terrorists would see this as a chance to pop in through the back door. The blame for the deaths in London must surely lie with the Met and their bosses, although I'm sure they can justify themselves by saying they were playing a valid role in Scotland protecting war criminals. I was particularly impressed by the officers on the flyover at Gleneagles who at least admitted they'd cocked up by being at Gleneagles rather than back home in London


A dumb question

10.07.2005 18:04

Ok, I give up, some ones gonna have to ask, and im sure your going to think im dumm but who or what are the FIT (F.I.T?) and what do they do?


FIT = Forward Intelligence Team

10.07.2005 18:19

The Forward Intelligence Team was formed in the mid 90's to 'identify potential troublemakers' - they turn up at most demos, and can be easily identified by their flourescent jackets with blue tabards - they also usually have a photographer or two with them. Many people think that they exist to intimidate potential activists - and were they not coppers they would have been banged up for a long time for obsessive stalking - as they pick individuals and foloow them all over the place for hours on end.

FIT discovered that their tactic of going into crowds with protestors carries some risks, when their photographer and a FIT copper received injuries in Edinburgh.

I couldn't sleep all night for the tears........

SX 46

I was there

10.07.2005 20:08

Yep I was there these Fit guys Kicked the shite out of you's Soapy Wee Shites all day and all one of you's could do was go for a cheap kick when one tripped over, And they got in all the papes, 600 of you and all of about 15 of them.

your a bunch of wanks that dont wash, and im glad youve left my city. If I ever meet one of these guys I'll buy him a pint and I hate cops

Mr Pish


12.07.2005 21:28

Just how shallow can you be in your comment that FIT took their eye off the ball then blame them for not preventing the London bombings, you lot need to take a good look at the world outside
the realms of you kollective aresholes. If you were not as paranoid you might get on a lot better and actually make a difference but you are too busy trying to score points and slaging off anyone whio doesnt see your point of view.


Oh do stop it

26.07.2005 15:27

Tripod, I smell hypocrisy.



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