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police blockade at Stirling continues

sensei scruff | 08.07.2005 11:32 | G8 2005

Only those with Exceptional circumstances allowed to leave

Throught the night and up until 7 this morning at least people were unable to leave without stop and search under section 60. Exceptional circumstances doesn't seem to include having to leave the country - there are folk on site who need to catch planes today.
I had to appear in court in Edinburgh after being lifted on Monday, so they let me through. I did get a warning that they would check my bail conditions when I come back to site. Anyway, my case has been cancelled, so I'm free to go back there.
Any updates on this would be appeciated.

sensei scruff


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sensei scruff

08.07.2005 15:01

Good to hear your case is cancelled... How did ya find out ? Are all breach on S60 cases dropped ?



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