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Stirling campsite update

IMC dispatch | 07.07.2005 21:04 | G8 2005 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Repression

All morning, people have been allowed to leave on one by one basis on condition that they are searched, they give names, are filmed/photographed and have good excuse to leave (like catching a train). In the afternoon, two large groups (around 300) attempted to leave the campsite.

The first group was intending to do prisoner support by marching to outside Stirling Prison; it was peaceful and quiet, but was not allowed out of the gate; riot police immediately mobilised to stop them. No one left; the police were not challenged. Another group then attempted to leave with flowers and banners in solidarity with those injured or killed in London.
Police did not allow them out; this provoked a very bad situation with riot cops attempting to get into the camp. Some campers parked a van/minibus across the entrance to stop them coming in. It has now quietened down; no cars are being allowed in, but they are being allowed out. Cops are at a distance of about 300 metres. Those on the site believe this is a strategy to reduce the number of people on the campsite.

IMC dispatch


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intimidation by the cops

08.07.2005 06:05

The police are definitely trying to intimidate campers based on your account. That is exactly what happened at the convergence sites in Genoa, and at the campsite in Nervi, ten clicks from Genoa.

Don't be afraid. Stick together. Remain peaceful. You are winning.

Main Street

Main Street


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