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Boogie on the Bridge - confirmed for tomorrow!

g8 climate action | 07.07.2005 20:57 | G8 2005 | Ecology

Stop the M74, Save the Climate!
July 8th - Glasgow, 2 PM, Commerce Street Bridge

We are here to make some noise - to shout our rage and
dance our hope – to stand up and show the G8 and the
world that the climate crisis can no longer be

Today, we are saying NO to the M74, to traffic and
pollution, to climate chaos, and to the international
institutions, power-hungry politicians and
profit-seeking companies that constantly put the
needs of people and the environment last.

As the G8 comes to a close, it's no closer to solving
the climate crisis it helped create. The G8 leaders
cannot even begin to acknowledge the massive scale of
the problem we face - if they did, they would be
forced to recognise that industrial capitalism, built
on fossil fuels, must come to an end.

Here in Glasgow, plans are brewing to extend the M74 -
5 miles of towering concrete slicing through the heart
of the Southside. Local people have rejected the
extension, knowing that it would increase air and
noise pollution, contribute to climate change, worsen
traffic and split their local community. But
government planners, bent on pursuing the false needs
of 'progress' and 'economic development', plough ahead
with their roadbuilding schemes.

Today, we are joining forces with thousands of people
around the world in an international day of action on
the root causes of climate change. Actions are also
happening today in Venezuela, New Zealand, Iceland,
Australia, and the Philippines... Together, we are a
growing global movement for climate justice. We have
at most one decade left to dismantle oil-fuelled power
structures like the G8, before climate catastrophe
dismantles us. So it's time to take action.

Join us on the streets as we flood the G8 and the
world with our demand for change and our vision of a
just, joyous and fossil-fuel free future.

g8 climate action


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are you sure?

07.07.2005 21:55

Is ths the time to be resisting through partying?


this sounds more appropriate

07.07.2005 22:08

London bombs and G8-politics - Terrorist acts of a system in crisis
Demonstration against capitalist war and terrorism
Waverly Station 7pm friday 8th of July

From the gigantic police cordon known as Edinburgh—While the political leaders of the world’s ruling nations hide away in the Scottish countryside in order to plan future terrorist acts (e.g. the extension of their wars, privatisation, welfare and wage cuts), other leaders-in-waiting bomb London.

We don't want to be silenced either by a state of fear or by a police state.

Waverly Station • 7pm • Friday 8th of July



i didn't understand

07.07.2005 22:20

sorry i didn' t get the point you mean is not party time becouse we should be more hard core on a issue like that or becouse what happen in london?
if is for the first option you are damm right, if is the other well we will reclaim the street couse we have to. in respect for the 30,000 people who are murdered by neoliberalism every day, for the one, who really knows how many, murdered in irak in a war for oil, for the victim of london. and for the one who are no born yet.



07.07.2005 22:23

tomorrow we will reclaim the street of glasgow in solidarity with the people of this city who are fighting against a motorway, the M74. this motorway will brig more pollution and will change the life of many people in glasgow.
it will be in solidarity with the million of poor people and indigenous people around the world already affected by climate change. to those in latin america who are opposing the way the 8 in gleneagles are dealing with it. in the same way they are dealifg with everything else. they don't care, all they see is profit and other way to exploite people and natural resource. we are not here to try to change the way climate is, we are here to to say no to the neoliberalis model which bring destruction in every level of our life. the poorest are screaming, the nature is sceaming, take the street and screem with them.


Dance your sorrow, your anger and your joy...

08.07.2005 06:37

...have a good day


re: time for dancing

08.07.2005 09:48

Sorry, I should have been more explicit.

In a way, yes, I meant be more hardcore, but hardcore as in more focused in the message.

For me the message is, to borrow a phrase from the UK government’s Chief Science Officer, that “climate change is a far greater threat to the world than international terrorism.”

What happened in London did not change that. But the two issues are inextricably linked – imperialist wars and neo-liberal global capitalism both are and create terrorism, and climate change is happening because of our economic system.

And, as with war and capitalism, the people who suffer first and worst from climate change are those already living in poverty (in Glasgow as in Vanuatu, though perhaps in different, less dramatic ways)

But my worry is that if this is not made clear, outwardly we will appear to be dancing in the streets for the sake of it, and our message will be lost. Anyone got a really big banner?


exit strategy

08.07.2005 16:05

i hate to sound critical but are you sure a bridge is a good assembly point for a demo? only two ways out, easy enough for the cops to pen you in.
go for it but stay alert. don't be too busy partying to spot police movements....



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