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Medical Info does not support story of girl injured by protestors

Update | 07.07.2005 15:47 | G8 2005 | Repression

Someone posting a comment on Indymedia underneath reports of Wednesday's blockades claimed that their 10 year old daughter was in Stirling Royal Infirmary. The comment was posted at 9.45am and claimed that their ten year old daughter needed 18 stitches after a brick was thrown through her bedroom window as she slept.

Stirling Royal Infirmany has now confirmed that there were six admissions yesterday, but due to patient confidentiality would not give any specific informatation. Five were treated and released for minor injuries. One was kept in hospital overnight.

The volunteer medics for the protests have confirmed that they dealt with one admission (an adult) to Stirling with a serious injury that would definalty have been kept in overnight. At the same time, while posssible, it is unlikely that an 18 stitch head wound to a ten year old would be classed as a minor injury.

As such there is little evidence to support this story.

An Indymedia volunteer said he suspected the story and been posted to provoke anti-protestor sentiment. Local councillors have confirmed the story is doing the rounds.

If anyone has any confirmed information about this story please contact indymedia at


Copy of comment posting:


06.07.2005 09:43

So now my hometown of Stirling is being wrecked in the name of protest?

What the F has going down a residential street putting in peoples windows and wrecking their cars got to do with G8 protest?

For your information on this website who advocate "free speech" on the one side... My 10 year old daughter is in Stirling Royal Infirmary this morning with 18 stitches to a head wound due to some anti whatever putting a brick through her bedroom window as she peacefully slept.

Hope your all proud of yourselves. The Scottish people don't want you lot roaming our streets!




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If it's not in the Dundee Courier or P&J with PICS then it's bogus

07.07.2005 16:23

If this hasn't been picked up with supporting pics by either the Dundee Courier or P&J (Press and Journal) local papers then you can safely say that this is bogus. Mainstream press are now busy with London but the local papers always report local agro like that. Given the 'tone' of subsequent postings I would have suspected the recipients of said brick to have given their story to local press. I could be wrong but think this was a rouge posting.


Events in Stirling yesterday

07.07.2005 16:30

The story above has been going the rounds en masse today in Stirling and the surrounding areas. Whether it's true or not, who knows?

Stirling still bares the scars of the vandalism and general mayhem which was brought there yesterday.

Many people here may or may not care about Burger King or PC World being ripped to shreds. However, when local people going about their own daily business in their own homes clearly unaware of the events which rampaged down their street yesterday you can see how anger has bred throughout the city.

As a result, today many of the people in the camp who have previously been welcomed by the people of Stirling, have been shunned by many Stirling residents.

Not everyone in that camp is guilty of trampling all over the generous people of Stirling but there are a few from that camp who have spoiled the fun, the laughter and the essence of the connections between themselves and the people of Stirling.

The street which was attacked yesterday houses many old age pensioners and many young children. Yesterday morning this did not matter to the mindless people who ran amok through this and surrounding streets.

It has also been pointed out that graffiti has found it's way on to buildings within the city which does not house big business, government, policing or anything else which many seem fit to protest about.

The spray painting of buildings which define very strong historical importance not just to Stirlinng but to Scotland as a whole is disgraceful and downright appaling.

I am not, as has been reported on this site, a government mole, a member of any police force who are stirring it up. I am a person who lives and works in Stirling. I am a person who is proud of the historical importance of Stirling.

What is the point of vandalising someone's front garden fence, what is the point of trampling through everyones garden in a street pulling up flowers and ripping up the turf, what is the point of throwing kerb stones and paving slabs over the bonnets and through the windscreens of cars parked outside peoples homes?

Please focus the protests on the real issue at hand in this whole scenario. Leave the residents of Stirling out of it.


Mark, Stirling

dundee courier / press & journal local news?

07.07.2005 16:41

if this story is indeed true then it's very serious.

though i'm not surprised the dundee courier nor the press & journal, which includes mainly aberdeen and northern related stories, neglected to include such info.

do you realise the distance between dundee, aberdeen and stirling? hardly local.

if you want local then there's the stirling observer. the main edition is printed on a wednesday. hope this is of help.

real local

apology by resident of the ecovillage

07.07.2005 17:53

the violence in stirling was the biggest mistake in this series of actions against the g8 and the worst that could happen to the whole protest. it puts the goals and reasons of all other protesters into hazard. personally i don't think that kind of behaviour has any other political effect then putting all other protestors' actions into danger and could render them irrelevant.
we residents of the ecovillage are not a group as such. we are a collection of many groups. as such obviously the fragamental groups take their own decision of what they do. we wouldn't even know who here was part of that rampage.

Residents of Stirling, please accept my apologies, even though neither me nor anyone i know was part of the violence. Violent protestors are a very small minority (a small percentage, there are violent people in any population), please let those incidences not over shadow why we are here: demonstrating for a better world. This should be reflected in our behaviour here in Striling as guests of this community. I hope it will be from now on.

resident of the ecovillage


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