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Get a clue -- terrorists don't throw rocks, London bombings and the G8

pablito | 07.07.2005 15:37 | G8 2005 | Analysis | Globalisation | Repression | Terror War | London

British and London authorities should be ashamed of themselves. While
1500 London police are over in Scotland, part of a 15,000-strong
policing force, watching people chant and march
against the G8, they leave their home unprotected from real terrorists.

Get a clue -- terrorists don't throw rocks, London bombings and the G8

The tragic terrorist bombings in London show just how clueless our
World Powers are. Will they ever learn?

British and London authorities should be ashamed of themselves. While
1500 London police are over in Scotland, part of a 15,000-strong
policing force, watching people chant and march
against the G8, they leave their home unprotected from real terrorists.

While authorities declare the anti-terrorist "section 60" in Scotland
around the G8 protestor's eco-village in Stirling,
real terrorists rained horror in London.

Anti-terror experts were too busy repressing the political speech
of people who at most throw a few rocks, and today's attack makes
it clearer than ever that their political repression is not making
the world safe from terrorists. You guys fail, miserably, and ought
to be ashamed of yourselves.

Meanwhile Tony Blair's G8 propaganda misappropriates the horror of the
bombing, saying the bomb blasts are "an attack not on one nation but on
all nations and civilised people" and are trying to destory
"our values and our way of life". Well just who is "our" anyway?
He could've at least wait for the Bush propagandists to write new
copy before re-using this tired old line.

The statment from the purported terrorists, and consistently from
al-Qaeda, is very clear that this is an attempt to get British troops
out of Iraq. It is not, as Blair suggests, an attack on anyone besidess
Britian, and Blair should apologize for misusing his citizen's grief.

If that wasn't enough disrespect and ignorance, he goes on to say
the terrorists timed the attack to coincide with the G8 summit saying
"It is particularly barbaric this has happened on a day when people are
meeting to try to help the problems of poverty in Africa".

Well Tony, if you want to keep al-Qaeda terrorists from killing your
people, maybe you should try working on their issues, not yours. You
should not insinuate they should be pacified with talks on Africa. They
care most about Iraq right now, not Africa.

But Tony might be right about one thing, terrorists would be
pretty smart to choose a G8 day for their attack, because all the
anti-terrorist officers are out of town wasting their time harassing
peaceful protestors.

As in the U.S., Britian tries to say that protestors are terrorists,
but by this grim example, we can see the utter nonsense of that
propagandistic attempt.

Get a clue -- terrorists use bombs and don't gather in public.

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07.07.2005 16:24


Not only this, but a coicidence that no-one is mentioning is that it's the day after London won the 2012 Olymics.

G8 leaders safely out of the way too.

People protesting against injustice, war and poverty, protesting for the good of the planet, for rich nations to take seriously the fact that the wealthy corpoations are destroying our upper atmospheric shield don't go around planting bombs aimed at other folks using public transport.
I stand up to be counted with those in Scotland.

Kathleen Holliday
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Not the time

07.07.2005 18:40

I may not agree with everything you say but regardless of that fact dozens of people have died today. They didn't send 1500 police to scotland or the army to Iraq, they were just going to work and were murdered. I think you should leave leave political posturing and point scoring until later, don't try and capitalise on this, for now just sympathise with the families of the dead


Toss Pots

07.07.2005 18:41

You bunc of pricks. Stop and reflect on how inconsequential your naive and juvenile fixations are, and how pathetic your sideshow, while tens of innocent people are dying in London.


London-centric news

07.07.2005 20:36

To David & Rich

So, the London 'bobbies' have a problem back in the English capital? Blair is the reason why their capital was bombed today. Sure, have sympathy for those that have suffered, but turn up at Auchterarder tomorrow to tell Tony how outraged we are at what he's caused!



clearminded article

07.07.2005 23:52

This must be the most clearminded analysis of anything I read all day (probably even all week).

About the comment that this isn't the time: when someone like Blair publicly abuses this to clean his image and fit the events into his agenda, I think he made it the time. In times of general fear a one-sided look on things can be very dangerous and convenient because public fear and anger can easily be managed and canalised in whichever way you want it.

I also think 'Rich' is right with his comment about the G8-leaders and their pro-capitalist supporters or subjects or whatever you call them, except it's not just in London, it's in every city in the world.



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