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Callout for POSITIVE images of anti-G8 for tonight

camper camper | 07.07.2005 14:11 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

In response to such bad portrayal of anti-g8 activities in the mainstream press we will project a slideshow of only POSITIVE images from the protests and the eco-village outstide of the camp for the local press to see.

The slideshow is intended to show the local press the positive side of protests and organised activities, that which is missed or overlooked.

We intend to do this TONIGHT so could any images be emailed to as soon as possible. We may do tommorow evening as well so would appreciate sending more after tonight.

We want to do this to counter the bad press and try deal with resentment by locals towards us at the camp due to damaging acts yesterday.

Thanks for any help.

camper camper
- e-mail:


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07.07.2005 15:43

sorry but you will have missed the deadlines for the vast majority of local papers and by next week after the clear up it will look like too little too late


WDM pics

07.07.2005 16:07

These are from the crane occupation on Tuesday, which had the support of the workman. They even offered us biscuits!


Sorry . . . can't do . . .

07.07.2005 16:12

I have around 400 photos taken over the MPH and Total Enjoyment days - the MPH ones are nice - but I cant find any shots out of the 200 taken on monday which don't include riot police somewhere in the shot, sorry.

edinburgh photographer.



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