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Thursday Edinburgh timeline

07.07.2005 12:02 | World

Breaking news from G8 protests in Edinburgh.

21:00: Bail hearings tomorrow for people arrested on Monday 4th. 4 women, 10 men, at Chamber Street Sheriff Court, Edinburgh at 10am Friday 8th. 7 men remain on remand. Hearings in Perth will be going on until 10pm today.
19.05: Edinburgh: Princes' Street sealed off by police because of a suspect package found on a bus.
17:55: 15 police riot vans + 3 command vehicles, lights flashing, are heading for the centre of town from north Edinburgh.
16:40: Around ten cops are going up and down Bristo Place, outside the IMC, looking for faces.
16:30: Police have cleared the prisoner solidarity demo at the Sheriff Court with two people arrested.
16:00: A spontanous demonstration is taking place in front of Sheriff Court. One person was forcefully arrested under alleged bail violation: the police claimed that he was in an area where he was not allowed to be. He had the map with the marked no-go area in his pocket which he was given in court. The police refused to look at this map even when he and supporters told them about the map. Later police said that he was supposed to leave Edinburgh yesterday already, even though he was only released today; or in a second report that he was supposed to leave the city in 4 hours. Neither of these are true.
13.45: The Infernal Noise Brigade is outside the prison near haymarket – prison solidarity
06:37: 7 police vans containing West Yorkshire Police arrived outside the front of the Sheraton Hotel. [Report]


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Prescription for Mr Bobby

07.07.2005 21:18

Greyfriars I note that you have not been to pick up your Prozac from my shop. I'm open late for emergencies like yours. Calm down a little

The Pharmacist

Don't worry Pharmacist

07.07.2005 23:50

There are several of these Bobby creatures prowling the streets of Edinburgh. I see them every weekend. I think it may be something to do with the water here, but I could be wrong.



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