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Photos from our trip on the A9

zak and manos | 06.07.2005 17:44 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World

We travelled over the A9 to Gleneagles, and here is what we saw...


zak and manos


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06.07.2005 19:03

The motorway protest, I've since learnt, a protestor ran through the fields to escape police only to be mown down by a frightenend cow running the other way. The protestor was subsequently taken to hospital....

I suppose there will be a "press release" about two "secret policemen" in a cows pantomine outfit watching the every movement of the protesters and taking one out with a below the belt blow from a cows hide!


Vegetarians Can't Fight

06.07.2005 19:03

As an educated citizen of this city i find all of your actions laughable. Firstly how can the world leaders expect to take your opions seriously when you can't convey your views and opions in a relaxed, educated and positive manner as 225,000 people did on saturday. Secondly having mixed with you anarchists, eco warriors and other assorted misfits throughout the week i fail to understand why you can't use soap or water - you all smell. Get to grips with looking after yourselves then concentrate on making our world a better place! Thirdly you can't fight for chips - i hope the police give you a fucking shoeing!



08.07.2005 12:08



Smells like full of shit mind

08.07.2005 16:16

The funny guy who says everywhere protesters smell bad is a frustated impotent...
Gniark gniark gniark

what a level of arguments .....

Jean Vide

diversity in unity against hateful hypocrisy

14.07.2005 17:22

diversity in unity, |

Autor(a): Fecha: 10:16pm Jueves14Julio 2005 Categoría: false messiah

Erech (ancient Uruk, modern Warka), one of the most ancient civilizations, with Babylon (mentioned 260 times in Scripture)attempted a man-made world unity by means of force

As Erech is mentioned with Babylon, Niffer (Calneh) and Eridu, as one of the cities created by Merodach (Nimrod), it is clear that it was classed with the oldest foundations in Babylonia.
A ziggurat was discovered at Erech, a place in Nimrod’s kingdom going back to about 3,000 B.C. .
Nimrod formed his kingdom by force. This kingdom originally consisted of Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh in the land of Shinar,
ancient Babylon, in Iraq, about 50 miles south of Baghdad on the Euphrates river, is second in importance only to Jerusalem in uniting a one-world church governed and controlled by Rome.
the name “Christianity” was given to the pagan Babylon religion with but few necessary changes professing love, but breaking out in all the acts of hatred.

k oskar


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