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The Games Must Go On!

Power to the Peeps | 06.07.2005 10:33 | Globalisation | Repression | London

The issue dominating the news today is... you guessed it, the bid to host a sporting event seven years in the future, the Olympics!

Compliant anchormen take up position in five cities to bring live coverage of the result of votes to host the 2012 Olympic games, dragging out every last excruciating ounce of "news" about this non-event, trawling around Stratford asking numpties; "what will it mean to you?"


Versatile, egotistical celebrities, such as Posh and Becks, who can lend their support to diverse causes at the drop of a Versace hat, like Live8 or the Olympics, flash their 'blood bling' from Sierra Leone to dazzle the judges.

The BBC has broadcast non-stop coverage of what is evidently a major distraction, timed to coincide with the only event of any importance today, the G8 summit and what world leaders intend to do to eradicate poverty.


The real unsung heroes of July 6th, the anarchists, anti-capitalists, anti-globalisation, black bloc, aka, ordinary people incensed at global injustice, are giving the riot police a taste of their own violent medicine, meeting like with like in Stirling.

These brave individuals who dared to engage in direct action and rocked the police bus outside Edinburgh Sheriff Court are our true role models and not the pampered 'stars' who rocked the stage in Hyde Park at Live8.

The controlled demo organised by the police at Gleneagles has been cancelled and Bod Geldof says he does not associate these protestors with LIVE8. Well guess what Bob? The activists in Scotland do not associate themselves with you and your G8 cronies!

Power to the Peeps


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06.07.2005 11:21

I don't mind seeing burger king smashed up but why did people attack a local residents car? I saw it with my own eyes and yes I am aware of media bias but why? Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot.. it probably belonged to a pensioner.

Dave the Rave

Rampage thru the streets

06.07.2005 11:40

Thanks for restoring my sanity Dave the Rave.

I too saw the idiots rampage through the residential streets of Stirling wrecking cars, pulling up kerb stones, ripping peoples garden fences down and the like.

Yet other threads on this site, any mention of the street siege has been wiped from discussion.

Maybe these working class council housing schemes, housing some of the countries poor and deprived people were mistaken for millionaires mansions?

Oh and no I'm not some corporate media reporting events. I had first hand knowledge of it all as I live in this housing scheme!

Now have a pleasant day chaps as I'm off out to rebuild my garden fence, remove the kerb stone from a disabled elderly gentlemans car windscreen and help clear up my neighbours livingroom which is full of broken glass and debris.



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