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Stirling-Gleanagles-Perth Timeline, Wednesday 6

06.07.2005 13:20 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

Actions and Events around the Rural Convergence Campsite Hori-Zone in Stirling

17:15 There was a road blockade earlier today between Auchterade and Crief until about 15:00. Tere was another smaller blocake on A822 block until about 16 hrs. possible 7 arrests or detentions

16:00 Some shops in Stirling are boarding up.

14:00 The small critical mass which got to the media gate at Gleneagles earlier, was penned in with the media and sectioned. This has turned into an interview fest. There are a few sound sysems up on the bridge. Seems like more people are walking along the duel carridgeway and converging on Gleneagles itself.

13.55: 30 kids and their parents, clowns and samba bands were on a bridge above the A9 near Gleneagles, about a mile from the Gleneagles hotel. Lots of cops have turned up and stated that they have to leave the bridge and suggested they march on the hard shoulder to Gleneagles. There is a carnival atmosphere, lots of clowns etc. The leaders of the group are discussing what to do, but no decision has been taken. An Apache helicopter keeps flying over head.

13:25: The children's Tea Party has arrived at the bridge crossing the A9 just before Gleneagles (bridge of the A823 going over the A9). It is curently being blocked by riot police, althought they are negotiationg to be let past. There are a lot of children, many with home made banners. The atmosphere is very nice and cheerful. They have passed a few clowns hiding in the bushes. Its colourful, fluffy and fun at the moment.

Update from the Legal team, 13:40: More then 400 people are detained/arrested. People are taken to Falkirk and to Dundee.

12 protestors are at the fence at Ochill Road. They say they just took a taxi from Dunblane. 40 police around. Some Women in Black observing.

12:27 Gleneagles: The group walking across to Gleneagles are in sight of the fence, but stopped for a rest. A police car is just coming towards them...

12.25 March in Auchtarader is allowed to go ahead, g8alternatives statement says due to public pressure

12:25 March in Auchtarader is allowed to go ahead, g8alternatives statement says due to public pressure

12:06 The crowds who have left the A9 and are walking north towards Gleneagles are being flanked by the police in riot gear, but not stopped yet. The police are also searching an unofficial camp on the right of the A9. They are now 3 miles from Auchterarder.

12:05 A823: Activists heading towards the A9 from the South. 15 to 20 clowns were surrounded and detained by riot police. One has been carried towards a police van. Other protesters are passing.

11:38 According to G8 Alternatives spokeperson Mike Arnott, the announcement that the march has been cancelled is the result of a unilateral decision by the police. As far as G8 Alternatives is concerned, the march is going ahead as planned.

11:20 Small blockade 6-7 people holding up one delegates car at junction A9-A822 in theory road blocked for rest of distance.

11:19 stuck on G8 Alternatives bus at Broxeen Roundabout near Perth - 10 busses there they are expecting more - Police blocking A9 East to Stirling - Good mood around - Lots of corp media, variety of people, anti-dept campaigners in kilts, scots and cuban flags, only a few paper sellers - police currently being 'friendly' but many more arriving including it is believed dog handlers [end]

11.21 20 coaches are blocked at Broxton Business Park on the M90 near Perth. Police, some armed with metal detectors, say it's due to 'anarchists' blocking the roads further on.

11:10 The A9 is closed between the junction of the B8033 and Greenloaning. North of there, towards Gleneagles, police are directing people down a minor road towards Braco. A G8 delegate, it is reported, got out of his car and approached the police, who diverted him along the Braco road. Seizing their opportunity, 5 protesters sat down in the road to block him. Another delegate, also in a car, is trapped in the jam.

11:05 10 coaches have been stopped, some for up to an hour, on the slip road 4 miles from Auchterarder.

10:56 An eyewitness report from the A9 confirms small groups on foot making for Gleneagles. A9 is blocked between junction with B8033 and Greenloaning, about 8 miles west of Gleneagles. Police has blocked the street and confirmed that there is a blockade.

10:40 Several taxi services are refusing to offer service to Auchterarder, citing blockades on the road to the town's hotel.

10:34 Stirling Campsite: Police are not allowing the Children's Tea Party bus to go to the march. The bus is surrounded by a small number of police, and there are 35-40 buses queueing behind it. Negotiations are taking place with the police, with 4 vans of riot police waiting 'around the corner.'

10:26 - Stirling, A9: 100 people who had been blocking on A9 are escorted back to the stirling campsite by police. They are curretnly working on A9. The atmosphere is good, people are singing. The group has negoiated with the police that they'd be escorted back to the campsite and that no arrests will be made, if people will not break out the lines of police.

10:20 - The Burger King and Pizza Hut franchises on an industrial estate near the Stirling eco-village camp have had their windows smashed. The incident occurred in the presence riot police and mainstream media, whose photographers are now covering the scene en masse.

10:15 - Reliable sources suggest that a blockade at Kinckle Bridge on the B8062, just north of Auchterarder, is still standing. Trees and branches are obstructing 3 sections of the road. 40 protestors are there, as well as police.

10:00 - Coaches full of protestors on their way to Gleneagles have been seen turning back on the A907. It is unclear if they turned back due to police, demonstrators or general traffic problems.

9:42 Gleneagles: A full Section 60 is now in force at the Gleneagles train station. 100 people are blockading a small side road around Auchterarder. 40 members of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) are on the sliproad from main A9 junction near the station, surrounded by cops. One clown is still roaming free.

9:00 - Moterway signs are saying that the M9 is blocked from junction 8.

8:35 - Stirling: about 27 sambistas and others did block the A9 for a few minutes, then police came and removed them from the street. no arrests were reported there. many people crossed A9 and walking towards gleneagles now.

8:03 - 60 people in a lock down on a bridge north of Gleneagles.

8:00 - A9: A group of about 200 - 300 people in a sit down action east of Green Loaning Junction - blocking the south boung traffic for the last 20 minutes.

7:42 - Perth: The main A9-M90 roundabout Perth exit has been blocked. As 2 vans of demonstrators pulled in, one with 12 people was not successfull, and all are detained. The other van with 9 people managed to block the road. 5 people are locked underneath it, but the other 4 who did support in the van are detained.

7:32 - Blockade on B9112, junciton B934, is blockaded.

7:30 - Blockade of B8062 is already going on for an hour, with several lockons, cops around.

7:05 - Stirling and Dunblane junctions of M9 closed both directions. About 30 people blocking the A9 ca. 5 miles before Gleneagles A9 exit but left again after blockading for short time.

7:00: 50 people waiting at Stirling train station. No apparent train traffic at the moment.

6:50: At Ladart (or so) people have climbed on train carriages on the train to gleneagles. the train is stopped.

6:30: In Stirling, roads to the campsite are closed by cops, who tell people who want to go there (including journalists) that the camp would be closed. The camp is NOT closed.

Update 6:00: 200 people blockading junction 9 of M9 motorway. They are part of the larger group that left the Rural Convergence Camp this morning. Reports of very violent clashes with the cops.

Update 4:30: Large group 6-700 maybe 1000 left rural campsite in three groups - heading for a designated blockade point. Three groups met by police riot police charged back down to main roudnabout (3rd main roundabuot by industrial park). People pushed back into industrial estate next to camp 130-150 riot police and 30-50 yellow jackets . People tried to bypass by going through undergrowth. Police saw this and started thrashing through bushes. Reports of two people beaten (not defined what beaten is). After industrial estate - one roundabout into by morrisons - grass verge 150 of people came back to camp otherr 700 approc went up grass verge and walked back towards designated site.

Update 3:15: Fire still burns despite heavy rain.

Update midnight: Beacon well ablase


Hide the following 15 comments

Good luck - but keep it honest!

06.07.2005 06:57

Good luck to everyone today, from here in Holland, and I'm sure from all around the world.
Just a quick comment - the news here has changed from when I checked it 5 minutes ago! News of trouble with the cops has disappeared. Please remember that Indymedia was set up to give not only an alternative view of events like this, but to give an honest and non-ideologically driven reportage. If we remove news that we don't like, then we're going to be playing 'spot the difference' with the corporate media.


Wage slave

06.07.2005 07:35

Police have cleared the A9 for the moment

Wage slave

wage slave

06.07.2005 07:48

A9 has been succesfully blocked again

wage slave


06.07.2005 08:54

I notice that there's no mention of the innocent peoples homes in Stirling being ransacked or the innocent peoples possessions being wrecked down the streets in Stirling?


access to convergence site

06.07.2005 09:15

Good luck to all .... stop G8! They are the real violent troublemakers! Is there any further news on access to the site in Stirling? I am travelling tomorrow.. should I park in Stirling and walk? Or head somewhere else? I saw earlier reports that the police were preventing access to the site... any more news?

dave g

Stirling Protesters

06.07.2005 09:22

After confusing clashes between the police and the three groups of demonstrants the police blocked the many roads to the motorway. resulting that this large protest movment splitted a group of 100-150 Black Block Aktivists wanted to go on with their aim to blockade the motorway to gleneagles. anarchists from Ireland, England, Germany, Spain and Denmark came to together to form the raical part of the protest movement. an ten kilometers march direct to the motorway was headed by massive clashes between anarchists and riot police. after smashing one police blockade by one they made it. while in perth ca. 60 people arrested in stirling only 2 were arrested. the major role of the militant actions of the black block were the only reason, the horizon ecovillage protesters are still blockading the m9 to gleneagles. 100-150 made, what at the beginning of the night not 300 could manage. while this the bank of scotland, burgerking and Pizzahut are closed for the next days...



06.07.2005 10:02

"the bank of scotland, burgerking and Pizzahut are closed for the next days... "

Wow what a result!

A little information if I please. Quite a lot of ordinary Scots don't use the Bank of Scotland, eat at Pizza Hut or Burger King...Well done chaps!

Then again your efforts have stopped global warming, westerners raping Africa has been discontinued, poverty has been wiped out completely and the wageless are now millionaires because of your efforts!

Sir, I bow before you! ;o)


Edinburghers call to arms ~ get your own back on the scum

06.07.2005 11:44

OK, we have had enough of this crap.

I encourage all decent, law abiding Edinburgh citizens to assemble at the Jack Kane centre later this afternoon or early evening (as some of us do have responsible jobs).

We, the Edinburgh Leith Indignant Tactical Entity ~ ELITE, intend to dismantle what is left of the so called camp and bin the lot.

Why should we put up with these disgusting vandal kids for a minute more. The scum idiots need a good clip round the ear and police boot up thier backside.

Or get along to the Dissent 'office' in Leith Walk and blockade the work refusniks, again a swift boot up the backside and telling off from any Edinburgh wifie should suffice.

"Support your local Police ~ chin an anarchist today"

Greyfriars Bobby

Ok... So people are a bit biased

06.07.2005 11:54

Try having a look at a wide range of articles on a large range of sites. They will all be biased but you should get a better picture of what is going on.

Some of the actions that have been reported sound a little stupid, but then don't we all make mistakes sometimes?

As for the police clashes - until you have seen them in person, you have no idea what they are like - same as me. I have not been in 'violent' police situations but I have been in many oppressive and over the top policing situations (like cops using horses as mobile walls to push people down a street). All we can do is look at the large amount of information emerging because of all the actions and try to build up a picture of what is going on.

I have seen a lot of 'archive photographs' being used on current articles at places such as - when there are hundreds of current photos on indymedia. The press are always there - why can't they get a photo? Is it that they can't get a photo to support their articles? We don't know, but we can assume that this is the case.

mail e-mail:


06.07.2005 12:12

Sorry, I cannae make it to the anti-anarchist blockade. I'm away around to Rosie Kane's house and I'm going to chain myself to the front door. If the police arrest me I'll object to the loss of my human right to peaceful protest.

Paranoid Pete

Crap - who's crap?

06.07.2005 12:59

We have had enough of imperialistic robbery crappers all arround the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't YOU spit at me!


G12 is the real problem

06.07.2005 13:38

The real problem is Glasgow G1 to G12 to G52 postcodes..
Inventors of the internal combustion engine and television.
These technologies are enabling the hyper capitalism and climate change which the softie heeds on both sides of the fence at GlenEagles are basing their lives around or resisting for the moment.

Ultimately Greater Glasgow will provide the big heed socio-eco-technical solutions to the problems we have created.

In Montreal, Hokkaido, New York, and Valdivostock they all know it now..

We will also provide ideological chit chat in the meantime from the likes of Keir Hardy and Adam Smith.

Glesgae will provide.. Professor Mahatma MacBain

Bobby yer a radge.

06.07.2005 17:45

Support your local Police

Fuck the polis - yer probably a grass.

YLT run amok



06.07.2005 19:09

"Then again your efforts have stopped global warming, westerners raping Africa has been discontinued, poverty has been wiped out completely and the wageless are now millionaires because of your efforts!"

Um yeah, because dismantling the most entrenched, powerful, diabolical system ever to enslave mankind takes a day, right?


Mr. Clean

Eyewitness account

07.07.2005 10:20

Well I saw it first hand and I thought you just might like to hear what really happened rather than what the media say.

Firstly we had a bit of problem getting there (we had to take several back roads due to police blockades) but eventually we came in via the back door!

Ok here goes - the march began at about 2 pm (btw there was 10,000 protesters not 5,000)!, before this there were stiring speeches from George Galloway, Rossana Cunningham and others (all asked to remain in the confines of the law). We then set off for the march with musical accompment from a guitarist and a piper.

The march set off with a good atmosphere with chants and music from various groups. When we finally reached the fence we suddenly found it was more noisy, anyway we started to move around to head back. Then we saw several people shaking a fence we moved on round to the field (yes 'the' field!) where we saw the first group of protesters running to the fence. Then on the horizon we saw 10 mounted police who looked like the black riders from LOTR! So we watched the crowd mill about the security fence while others joined them, then an anarchist and another guy came running back with a piece of the fence. But no other progress was being made. Eventually about 1000 protesters had made there way onto the fence perimiter then we saw police barge through us and line up at the field fence. Then riot police came barging through (they got lots of boos btw) and joined them. Then chinooks started landing and hundreds of riot police came out and lined up by the fence. The crowd got more frenzied. The Stewards decided to form a wall between protesters and the riot police by the feild fence but the riot police charged them. It was then we went. We went down the road and saw dozens of police vans all filled withe riot police. The police all were lining up with shields and batons. We didn't hang around any longer.



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