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When CIRCA meets the riot police....

Neil | 04.07.2005 17:12 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation

CIRCA activitst clowns meet riot police with stange results.....

making police smile?
making police smile?

go on son...give us a grin
go on son...give us a grin

all good friends
all good friends

CIRCA clowns meet the riot police....

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04.07.2005 21:59

What kind of idiots hug a riotcop!? What wrong with these people?

Hippies who think you can get rid of capitalism by giving everybody a hug?? Do they even realise that this is a society of conflict between capital and the state and us? Do they even have an analysis at all of thos world or are they just bleeding heart liberals who want to "do good"?Do they think that a cop wont hit you just cuz you hugged him a minute ago?

Props to most of the clowns today tho, you did good and it looked fun but dont fucking hug the cops!



05.07.2005 09:32

Don't you understand that there is no possibility of 'winning' against the police, whatever that means? Yes, they are the representatives of capital, and yes, physical action can be necessary to defend your desire to protest in the street -- or to target symbols of capitalism such as MacDonalds or Starbucks. But throwing a few rocks confronts the police on their own grounds, which is what they want. They, the mainstream media and the state can dismiss demonstrations as being conducted by a minority and lunatic fringe. Overtly violent tactics are weak.

The power of the nascent anti-globalisation movement, or whatever you want to call it, is that it looks beyond the police and conducts its campaign on its own terms. Thus, the clowns take the piss out of the militaristic plod. Laughter diffuses the fear that they intentionally create. Yesterday in Edinburgh the riot cops didn't like it when the guy in the rabbit suit started a game of volleyball with people on the other side of the line. Eventually the police moved.

The irony is that all armies are full of clowns.

Max Connerie

The system

05.07.2005 09:50

Perhaps it is not a case of 'the state and us'. We are all a part of the one society. We all need to work to change the system. Each person plays a part. I agree that to hug people who are rehearsing beating us in their heads is a waste of energy. But a dualistic view of us and them only breeds resentment to one another. Change will come through a shift in society's conciousness.



we love the clowns

05.07.2005 15:50

The point of the clowns is to show just how redicules the state is. they're situationists not (as one comintator here said) 'hippies.'

If one hugs a policeman in riot gear then they make said policeman look redicules.

They're a good tool.

elizabeth veldon
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05.07.2005 22:27

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but surely part of the point of the clowns is to totally mock and ridicule the militant style of the police, when confronted with a bunch of harmless clowns?

Past experiences of Faslane spring to mind, where policemen in riot gear, barking orders through a megaphone have been completely undermined by the few camp dancers, swirling pink feather-boa's in the background.

Stephen Blythe


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