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Bizzies Big Day Out in Edinburgh

mini mouse | 04.07.2005 16:44 | Repression

Having bought all this new cop stuff, Edinburgh's finest weren't going to miss out on the chance to use it.

Cops arrive to block of Cannon Street
Cops arrive to block of Cannon Street

Crowd now bubbled
Crowd now bubbled

Cops change into riot gear
Cops change into riot gear

and get the dogs out
and get the dogs out

Clowns arrive
Clowns arrive

Police response
Police response

Mounted police...
Mounted police...

and get the dogs out...
and get the dogs out...

Around midday a biggish group of protestors were trapped in Cannon Street, an approach to the financial district of the city.
About a dozen police vans arrived to block each end.
Although things seemed pretty peaceful, after an hour or so police changed into riot gear, which, naturally enough caused a bit of a reaction from the trapped crowd.
Oh, and they got the dogs out, just in case.
A couple of hours later some clowns arrived on a rescue mission. Their main tactic seemed to be tickling the forward row of cops.
Police responded with an approriate force of about three hundred riot clad, shield bearing officers, who chased them down West Approach Road, just in time to meet the mounted police coming the other way.
Oh, and they got the dogs out again, just in case...

mini mouse


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Police over-reaction

04.07.2005 23:33

to see those police in riot gear behaving that way on the streets of edinburgh is shocking. they can't seem to tell the difference between control and incitement. i'll be contacting peter wilson, the chief constable of fife (who had overall charge), to express my anger and to ask for an explanation.


Better well as!

05.07.2005 02:33

Go to the blockades and use reasonble force against any one of the scum filth to prevent these Bastard capitalists meeting in private.

long distance lover

Capitalist leaders?

05.07.2005 11:33

Only two of the G8 leaders could be said to be capitalists, the rest are career politicians and lawyers. If you're going to vent fury at any of them, choose Bush and Berlusconi - the leaders of France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Russia and the UK have never worked for a company in their lives.



05.07.2005 14:57

I don't know about the others, but trust me Martin ain't clean of capital...


cap it all

05.07.2005 15:46

Tony Blair isn't a capitalist because he was a lawyer ?
You are not a capitalist if you haven't worked for a company in your life ?

I thought working class people worked for companys and capitalists owned them. Don't vent your fury just on the leaders of the G8, go for any politician, they all deserve it. All forms of control breed for obedience and anyone who wants power is therefore unworthy of power. If we treat orders as insults and all leaders as dangerous wannabes then we'll live to evolve. A lot of the office workers in Edinburgh, they own little and earn less, some are for turning.
It would be better to beat up the Prime Minister of Canada than to beat up some indoctrinated working class guy foolish enough to join the police.
Has anyone tried challenging the leaders of the G8 to a traditional Scottish 'square-go' ?
I hereby challenge any of the leaders to a good kicking at my hands. I'm willing to take a kicking from Putin if I can first have a go at any of the others first.

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