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G8 Carnival Timeline

dispatch | 04.07.2005 10:32 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

"Carnival for Full Enjoyment" is supposed to start at 12, but things are already happing in Edinburg. Please call in 07901-778 062 or 07050 686 844 to report from the streets.



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update 11:45

04.07.2005 10:48

Mound, off Princess Street, at least 40 riot cop vans, with up to 100 riot cops geared up.
Eye witness account of undercover cops operating in the area. All major shops and chain stores boarded up. Private Security deployed at the entrances.

A group of 20 activists being constantly followed by two TV camera crews and several foto journalists. Activists confronted journalists to stop them from taking their fotos.

Clown Army is followed by cops around the city.

FIT (Forward Intelligence Team) moving around the city, following the clowns and showing up in front of the IMC.


update 11:45

04.07.2005 10:51

Clown Army penned close to Bristo Place.


Planning violence?

04.07.2005 10:57

The police that least it looks that way from this BBC report



04.07.2005 11:04

11.51 Approx 25 clowns surrounded by police in Bristo Square Car Park

11.54 Same group of clowns being searched near to their vehicles. Police is now searching their vehicles. Another group of 15 or so clowns were just chased by police up a side street. Clowns being searched are (of course) still acting like clowns!

Helicopters keep circling over head and every now and then another convuy of police vans goes hurtling past.


update 12:00

04.07.2005 11:06

about 20 clowns penned in, and another 60 people around them. Report from 1 arrest. A second group of clowns being chased by cops.



04.07.2005 11:19

12.09 unconfirmed reports of mounted police arriving at haymarket station


Update 12:24 - Infopoint

04.07.2005 11:28

The Petterrow & Teviot info points in Bristo square shut by university as recommened by police.


ITV report 80 at Edinburgh West End

04.07.2005 11:40

ITV have just reported 80 surrounded by police at Edinburgh west end.


update 12.52

04.07.2005 11:51

the infernal noise brigade have been stopped at princes st, by hanover st. unconfirmed - it could be samba

report that police have just brought in police dogs in the financial area. this is apparntly near weST approach road - unconfirmed



04.07.2005 12:45

ffs so the cops are shutting down all non-sanctioned protest, people don't need permission to protest - acab


charlotte square fun

04.07.2005 12:52

500-1000 currently at Charlotte Square and surroundings. It appeared that the police were trying to seperate the different groups and failed to do so.

Rabble Burns

double grande soy mocha with horse shite please

04.07.2005 13:05

Now marching along Princes Street with not many police about. Protesters are protesting, without armed and riot geared minders to keep them out of trouble. Imagine the chaos! Society will surely crumble now!

Ah - but Anarchy has broken out! Reportedly Starbucks has been attacked - with a big steaming pile of horse shit. Thanks police for providing such a perfect projectile!

Onward for fun and full enjoyment!

Rabble Burns

Princes St

04.07.2005 13:19

riot and mounted police in Princes St - rioters running one way then being hearded the other way.

observer in nearby office

anarchist explains on bb

04.07.2005 13:27

there seems to be very few on the spot reports, there's usual more at summits

- Homepage:

Turf Wars

04.07.2005 15:22

At the end of the day, every good activist knows that the man wins (nearly) every time - at little events like the carnival - but that these expressions of temporary zones of autonomy and fun give us the strength to go on doing those things that truly need doing: organizing in our communities, at our work, and educating ourselves for more critical action.

After having a grand afternoon at Princes Street Gardens, and after a turf war (literally) between a group of carnival-vores and the police which saw large slabs of grass flying through the air toward the riot cops (this would have been cruel had they been on horseback - considering the horses aren't allowed proper lunch breaks - but these were bi-ped riot cops) we realized the police were surrounding us on all sides.

As of this point - it looks like the police have successfully divided and conquered this carnival. We were lucky enough to be in the Gardens and not out on Princes Street or the Mound where the cops had our fellow carnival-goers penned in - we exited via the east end of Princes Street Gardens where the cops are so kindly allowing us to pass through their ranks and out into the consumer freedom awaiting us outside.

Unfortunately it is nearly impossible for us to know how many of our carnival commrades are being detained by the meanies in uniform on side streets and elsewhere, but come and find us at the pub and we'll buy you a pint when you're free.

Rabble Burns

words of wisdom

04.07.2005 16:27

Words of wisdom Rabble, words of wisdom.

Robert Scoot

penned in on hanover street

04.07.2005 17:00

Currently about 300 penned in on Hanover St, about 15 riot vans queueing up on george st. friend in the middle says it's been getting well ugly in princes st gardens. The clowns rocked at charlotte square...


images from this afternoon

04.07.2005 17:02

check's news section for very recent images of the action this afternoon.



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