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Make Poverty History - Black Bloc and Police

Tom Kaneko | 03.07.2005 23:59 | G8 2005

Photographs of Black Bloc and Police at the Make Poverty History March.

Black Bloc and Police 1
Black Bloc and Police 1

Black Bloc and Police 2
Black Bloc and Police 2

Through the Meadows, the Black Bloc were closely trailed by the Police. They seemed rather comfortable with eachother at the time.

Tom Kaneko
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Is that it?

04.07.2005 09:09

Haha! That's the smallest Black Bloc (spelling?) I have seen so far. I bet the state are shaking in their boots at that force of 3 to reckon with!

We need to change the heart and minds of society. Dressing in balaclavas once a year and throwing a few bricks might make you feel good but it just adds to the negativity in the world.


'Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.' Thich Nhat Hanh


What and you comment is positive?

04.07.2005 09:45

Obviously the black bloc has difficulties at the moment, but your post doesn't make the world more positive either. i'd rather have a good bloc knowing that they question polician authority than a million people trusting in politicians to do their job good! It is such nonsense if there is 300.000 people on the streets and the only thing that is happening is enforcing the power of those who brought poverty into this world in the first place: just to remind you: the FTAA, or the various free trade zones in morroco...


There was no black bloc

04.07.2005 10:01

A black bloc, traditionally anyway, is a group of people loosely organised in affinity groups to carry out property destruction and/or miltiant defense of a protest. The anti-capitalist bloc, on the MPH demo, was, on the contrary, a static block intending simply to represent a visible critique of capitalism on the march, rather than carry out direct action. Just because the UK police freak out when they see a group of people wearing black, doesn't mean it actually was a black bloc.

Voluntary Slave


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