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SCUM8TEK 2nd July - A million sound systems and no bob!

old git | 03.07.2005 22:45 | G8 2005 | Free Spaces | London

The Scum8 Teknival went ahead in London this weekend as an antidote to the Live8 crap...

about 20 sound sytems in fact - rocking... av it....

old git


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03.07.2005 23:27

After this event one of the dj's was arrested for an "alleged" violent offence against the police. This is a total set up. Please if you have any video footage or pictures of the police action can you leave a message here and i can pass it on to the dj in question
many thanks


did you have a camera?

03.07.2005 23:42

After this event one of the dj's was arrested for an "alleged" serious violent offence against the police
If you have any video footage or pictures of the police action please leave a message here and i will pass it on to the dj in question

many thanks

evidence gatherer


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