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Make Borders History: Time LIne

imcista | 03.07.2005 14:37 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

"Make Border History" takes place in Glasgow today.

14:15 MBH has started from outside Queen Street Glasgow. The crowd has split into six tours heading out across glasgow to visit locations where immigration policies are either decided or enforced. Some of ther tours have bands with them and others have sound systems - it's estimated that each tour has at least around 50 people, with some having up to 100.
The police seem to be allowing the tours to go ahead despite there being a ban on all marches in Glasgow.

15:20 A group of 250 people with a samba band is walking down Agyle Road, followed by about 100 cops, heading towards the building of a private security company.



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update 15:45

03.07.2005 14:58

March is now at douglas street, 250 ppl, more police around, and filming. march is now moving on to South Park, for G8 community garden (what ever that is).
The G8 office on the way was boarded up, but MacDonalds and the like were not. In general, the atmosphere is good with samba bands, clown army and street theater.


update 15:57

03.07.2005 14:59

March stopped in front of an expensive hotel, holding up banners in front of it. More police showing up: the march is now followed by 4 vans and a helicopter.


update 16:50

03.07.2005 15:51

The march has arrived at the community garden.


update 16:50

03.07.2005 15:55

The march has arrived at the community garden.



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