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G8 Train Kings Cross (video + audio interviews)

Real2Reel | 01.07.2005 20:57 | G8 2005 | Repression | London

This 15 minute 'video' of the departure of the G8 train from Kings Cross is mostly audio due to: the prevention of terrorism Act | a station by-law | because I have long hair [delete as seems most applicable]

The audio from this video (most interviews) may be used as a radio segement.

This was the first time in quite a while that I have been filming and not been stopped and searched by the cops for some bullshit reason.

Strange world.

Screenable version up soon.

Creative Commons non-commercial share-alike licence applies.

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Good Work!

02.07.2005 08:13

you where much smarter about it than me!!!


Tech hint

03.07.2005 12:11

Purely technical advice: Try deinterlacing before you resize for the web, it will look nicer _and_ compress into a smaller file ;o)

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