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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

Indymedia Centre in Edinburgh Now Open - Meetings + IMC Reporting Numbers

imc'ista | 01.07.2005 09:42 | G8 2005 | Free Spaces | Indymedia | Technology | London

The Edinburgh IMC is open today - Friday 1st July.

Located above The Forest Cafe (street entrance door to the left) on Bristo Place, Edinburgh

Daily imc + reporting co-ordination meetings @ 7pm


Today, Friday 1st July there will be a general IMC meeting @ 2pm, splitting into media teams at 4pm.



Indymedia Reporting Hotlines:

07901 778 062
07050 686 844

Use these numbers to call in news reports.

When you call we want to know "who, what, why, where, when...."
It's often better to think about the report you're going to call in rather than calling in as soon as something happens.
Remember phone calls are often monitored.

Please Note - (especially corporate media) this is a one way reporting hotline and not a general information line.


Please upload any reports to
You can also upload to
(but we are trying to reduce the load on the scotland website)

You can also upload Audio to
You can also upload Video to


The Radical Radio Collective will be running a radio stream next week - when operational the number to call in audio reports will be



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Help Please!

05.07.2005 11:04

Hi I'm a Geography Student at Glasgow university and im completing a dissertation about the media's representation of the G8 protesters. I was wondering how long your centre will be in Edinburgh, is it permanent if not when will you be leaving? I would be really interested to speak to any one who has the time. I understand you will all be very busy but any time after the G8 would be usefull also. Cheers, Joe

Joesph Davey
mail e-mail:


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