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Jack Kane Edinburgh G8 Campsite to be FREE (not £5)

update | 30.06.2005 15:18 | G8 2005 | Free Spaces | Globalisation

The council has today decided that instead of charging £5 per night to stay at the Jack Kane G8 Campsite in Edinburgh, it will in fact be free.

People can turn up 24hrs a day and sign in to stay there - capapcity 15,000

There will still be the 50 private security onsite and a registration procedure where people are asked to sign in (name - dob etc etc) - there's a larghe fence around the site with watchtowers and also expect CCTV (possible linked to a police control room but this is unconfirmed) - but the camping is free. Special buses will be provided from the site into town.

There is no food provision by the council, but Dissent! has negotiated having a food kitchen onsite to provide at least some meals for people there.

There will be toilets and running water onsite as well as showers in the Jack Kane centre. The community centre itself will be open for people to use, with a programme of events, tea, coffee snacks etc. They're a great bunch and deserve respect for their work with the local community and the open way they are trying to welcome people.



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30.06.2005 18:15

That's great news.


First Aid/Street Medic support?

01.07.2005 06:39

Any news on where a clinc/wellness center will be located?

Marat - CAM

more info pls

01.07.2005 09:03

Anything on ALTERNATIVE spaces? I for one don't fancy staying in a virtual prison, even if it is free.

not a potential camper


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