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Reports of G8 Protest Activities so far

ab | 28.06.2005 20:37 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

On Tuesday, 28th of June, the Red Pepper magazine publishes "Inside the Murky World of Make Poverty History". An in depth summarising analysis about Climate Change has also been published.

The Greek Union report their solidarity and participation of a delegation at the G8 protests in Scotland, whileas the School Students also call for participation in G8 protests [Subvert].
The accomodation situation is Edinburgh is less than satisfying for protesters due to the Edinburgh Council policy, and the Dissent! Edinburgh Accomodation group has put out a statement, describing their difficulties in finding a self-run collective convergence centre and an accomodation meeting is called for Thursday, 30th of June, 6pm at Teviot Student’s Union, University of Edinburgh, Bristo Square, to discuss the issue.


On Monday, 27th of June, the Theatre of Dissent hit the Streets of Edinburgh and the Headquarters of the Royal Bank of Scotland was occupied for about half an hour in an anti-poverty action.
Reports with pictures about the fenced off Jack Kane Centre [ 1 | 2] and the fence around Gleneagles sparked off discussion about possible state repression.

A summary of all activities and events so far reported on Indymedia Scotland features, newswire and on the Indymedia UK G8 subsection in relation to the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland is listed below.

Inside the bank
Inside the bank

Street Theatre in Edinburgh
Street Theatre in Edinburgh



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30.06.2005 14:00

>>Reports with pictures about the fenced off Jack Kane Centre [ 1 | 2] and the fence around Gleneagles sparked off discussion about possible state repression.<<

Try living somewhere where there is actual state repression, perhaps the lovely workers paradise of North Korea.


So Mark

30.06.2005 17:34

If a woman regularly gets a kicking from her man, whilst her sister is occassionally slapped by her husband - only one of them is abused. Is that right?



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