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G8 Demo Arrests

various | 16.06.2005 23:45 | G8 2005 | Sheffield

4 video clips of arrests on Thursday evening in Sheffield at the G8 home office ministers protest

After the rice for dinner meal on Devonshire Green an impromptu march set off down West street in Sheffield. Caught on the hop the police followed, when the marchers turned into Westfield Terrace the police were caught by surprise but managed to corral the marchers on the small side road. Though penned in we were entertained by the Samba band but several arrests were made. Riot gear was donned by the police but after an hour or so stand off the marchers were allowed to return to Devonshire Green where the police decided to disperse and every one went off peacefully.



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Positive Feedback

17.06.2005 00:36

Indymedia videomen and women seem to be the only legal observers in this part of town...
Excellent work.
Why there was not a legal defence monitoring group or legal observer?
What kind of legal support was provided to the persons arrested ?



17.06.2005 00:56

I saw the young woman being arrested..Its looks equally outrageous on film here. She was standing on the pavement not in the central part of the crowd. I hope she is ok.


Legal observers and other witnesses

17.06.2005 08:14

Further to both the above comments, every one is a legal observer, the folk with it written on their jackets are just a little more coordinated about pooling their info. If you saw any arrests please write down what you saw asap and contact the legal team at the convergence centre. Any witness statements made will help, especially in the case of the girl pulled off the wall who really didn't seem to be doing anything to warrant being dragged away like that.


From g8legalsupport

17.06.2005 21:19

Hello there

We are trying to find out if there is in these videos recorded the arrest of a girl who was arrested that Thursday, on a demo, whose mother has been contacting us, indignant at the lack of mainstream news, her daughter has been charged with intimidating police and pleaded not guilty. If you know that this is the girl in the video, please contact asap the g8 legal support team at 0791 377 9976. And if you know about anybody else appearing in these videos (arrested) please contact the above number as well... it might help...



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