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G8 desktop design

nessuno | 26.05.2005 22:01 | G8 2005 | Indymedia | London

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G8 desktop
G8 desktop

desktop design



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oh my lord

26.05.2005 23:09

sorry, but i really think it's awful


why this collage?

27.05.2005 00:48

Why a windowsmachine? it would have been better if it wasnt recognisable, i think.


Nope - sorry don't like genoa trip

27.05.2005 11:35

Sorry but having a picture of the murdered carlo with all the blood coming out of his head and a fuck off gov rocket launcher in the middle of the screen and radio gap who were part of those raided during the brutal diaz raid is not the kind of background I want on my computer for the G8 in Scotland.

Genoa is still a big fucking issue - but let's not hang on the worst parts of it.

Scotland 2005 is a very different mobilisation. Let's Make History, not dwell on the past...



27.05.2005 13:42

I appreciate that it's a matter of taste but as I happen to be one of those two people on the left - the one who's still alive - I have to say that I just don't see anything good in this at all.


All a bit corporate?

27.05.2005 15:56

Leaving aside the taste issue, it looks really corporate media. Are you a part of the spectacle now?


Gleneagles NOT Genoa

28.05.2005 10:44

Ouch. Fairly resounding thumbs down. Fancy doing another one?

ps when people were saying "Turn Prague into Seattle" you could see what they were getting at, but they still got a lot of criticism. No one wants to see a repeat of Genoa.

pps Evian / geneva / sea island... all mobilisations after genoa - and some nice images from there if i'm not mistaken!



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