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G8 Faslane Trident Nuclear Submarine Base Blockade Audio Interview

no war | 16.04.2005 15:54 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation

Interview with activist about the planned Trident Ploughshares G8 blockade of Faslane Submarine Base due to take place just prior to the G8 Summit in Scotland in July - as part of a week of protests and actions.

4 mins 48 secs MP3
4,507KB 128kbps 44khz

Trident Ploughshares:

Info from website below:


You can't end poverty unless you end war.




The G8 depend on their overwhelming military might to defend and extend the globalisation that allows them to exploit and oppress the poor. Nuclear weapons are the ultimate expression of the militarism that makes economic globalisation possible. Military spending drains resources away from health, education and international development. Poverty leads to conflict, and conflict leads to poverty. We cannot make poverty history unless we also make war history. The G8 use their military forces to kill, maim and poison people all over the world for the sake of profit and power. They display a blatant disregard for international law, ignoring rulings on the illegality of nuclear weapons, tearing up multilateral agreements, and selling arms to harsh regimes all over the globe.


Faslane is one of Britain's most important military bases - home to Trident, Britain's own nuclear WMD Programme. It is situated 30 miles west of Glasgow in Scotland


7am - Monday 4th July - just two days before the start of the G8 summit taking place just 60 km from Faslane at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire


Thousands of peace campaigners from around the world will non-violently disrupt the masters of war by blocking all of the gates into the base - shutting it down for a day, preventing traffic from entering the base. In doing so, we will highlight our opposition to the war, nuclear weapons and militarism that make destructive economic globalisation possible.


Using our bodies, chains, piping and 'tripods', we will join together with politicians, church leaders and individuals young and old, to prevent traffic from entering the base. Others may try to disrupt the base further by cutting or swimming into Faslane


Most importantly, YOU! This action is organised by Trident Ploughshares, CND and Scottish CND, but is supported by numerous other groups concerned with issues including the arms trade, poverty, the war in Iraq, climate change, nuclear weapons and nuclear power

no war


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yanks go home

16.04.2005 16:10

"A worldwide network of military bases provides the United States with a global platform for warfare and espionage..."

and a few are in the UK. major US bases on british territory listed here:

nick watson
- Homepage:

Confused !

16.04.2005 18:56

I thought the Faslane protest camp had closed ? There were a number of posts about it here in the newswire only a little while ago. Is this a new group ?

Info wanted

Faslane Peace Camp very much alive!

16.04.2005 23:21

Faslane Peace Camp is still outside the nuclear submarine base! Its 23rd anniversary is in June. Come and help celebrate 23 years of protest by coming to the 4th July blockade!!

j. Brady

Dear Confused

17.04.2005 01:38

Faslane peace camp is still there, although quite small. You're right there was a post saying it had closed but this was unture.

The interview is about the Trident Ploughshares / CND / Scottish CND organised G8 blockade of the submarine base at Faslane just prior to the G8. The post nor the interview does not mention the peace camp. I'm sure you know of Trident Ploughshares / CND / Scottish CND as well as G8Alternatives and Dissent network both of which are listing the blockade as part of the week of actions against the G8.

Hope that's clear.

info given

For info wanted

17.04.2005 17:37

In reality the old Faslane camp did close as for about three months there was only one person there for substantial periods of time however numbers are now up to about three or four most of the time.

Fast Lenny

peace camp alive and well

18.04.2005 12:58

Thanks alot to the Edinburgh activists.

' h*******ad07 '


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