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Activists at Gleneagles protest against G8 summit 2005

Reshape | 13.06.2004 23:08 | G8 2005

1. The leaders of the eight richest nations despite being of various political shades come together in a unified effort to serve the rich against the people of their own countries as well as the people of the world.

2. So a strong message of disapproval and dissent must be sent to the G8 leaders but if they do insist on coming, the offense must not be compounded by infringment of the liberties and rights of the people.

3. But if these gangsters do get to meet to fine-tune their strategy of exploitation, we can assure you that the downtrotten and oppressed will gather to show their dissent against the current vicious exisiting order and to show their power to reshape society to be more just.

protest at Gleneagles train station
protest at Gleneagles train station


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Monarch of the Glen

14.06.2004 09:48

Gleneagles is one of the most remote, rural and idyllic regions on Earth. Picture a vast expanse of sparsely inhabited rolling green hills and heather strewn mountains, salmon rivers, lochs and bubbling brooks, deer, wildfowl and badgers at dusk.

It is a splendid location for a holiday. Take a tent and you'll realize what a cess-pit cities are and why the Globalists concentrate the Proles there, while reserving breathtaking wilderness, interspersed with golf courses, for themselves.

Pheasant Plucker

Not that remote...

14.06.2004 16:03

yes, it's certainly a lovely setting but it's hardly one of the 'most remote regions...on EARTH'!!! It's in between Stirling and Perth and about 50 miles from either Glasgow or Edinburgh, so it's hardly inaccessible.

William Wallace


15.06.2004 12:29

But it FEELS like the remotest place on Earth and it will be for the G8, within their militarised security zone.

Pleasant Fucker


26.10.2004 12:55

I'm dismayed these scummy people are coming to my hometown. I don't believe anything or anyone can stop them as it is simply modern life and society. I like living in auchterarder because I can switch off my T.V, go outside and forget about all that stuff that's going on that i can't do anything about anyway. Bush has only been in the U.K a small number of times and one of these times he comes within a few miles of my very home....i can't believe it i'm going to leave for that weekend it makes me sick.

You guys in dreadlocks and clumpy boots are fighting a losing battle as the masses just thik you're a bunch of smelly drugies who like to shout and smash things up and use the G8 as an excuse.



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