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Gleneagles Confirmed as G8 2005 Venue

feature | 11.06.2004 01:26 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London

Following months of speculation over the location of the 2005 G8 Summit in the UK, and reports that all police leave in Edinburgh and Scotland will be cancelled next summer, the Gleneagles hotel [official website] in Perthshire, Scotland has finaly been confirmed as the venue (G8 dates: 6th-8th July 2005).

The last time the G8 met in the UK was in Birmingham in May 1998. Then up to 70,000 people encircled the centre of Birmingham, forming a human chain and demanding an end to third world debt [pics]. On the same day up to 7,000 people took control of the centre of Birmingham for the second Global Reclaim the Streets Party [pics 1 | 2 | 3][video] - with actions and protests happening against the G8 in around 40 cities across the world, with over 400 social movements taking co-ordinated action under the banner of Peoples' Global Action (PGA).

Six years and many huge mobilisations later, people in the UK have been organising around the G8 for several months. A growing new network of local groups has been created called the Dissent! Network, with nodes across the country. Dissent! is planning a series of awareness raising events through the year and has been calling for both local and international participation. Many people and groups are now focussing on planning protests and direct action campaigns against the G8.

Recently many NGO organisations are also co-ordinating on a level unseen since the Jubliee 2000 drop the debt campaigns, and are set to try and take advantage of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's aim to pitch the UK presidency of the G8 as a positive step towards reducing third world debt and around issues of development and trade [see guardian article] - 2005 is also the 20th anniversary of the Live Aid concert. Several groups are expected to use the European Social Forum in London in October later this year as a platform from which to launch campaigns. Recently several Trade Union leaders, politicians and Globalise Resistance have also issued their first call for protests.

See also:
Recent UK Savannah G8 Solidarity Actions
The People's Golfing Association (PGA) [statement][pics]
"Anarchist Group's Gleneagles Website Exclusive!"*

Corporate Media Coverage of Gleneagles G8

For more on G8 - see the Indymedia G8 Reports Section




Hide the following 11 comments


11.06.2004 12:21

hey - is there a date for the g8 meeting in 2005?


more info and a bit of background

11.06.2004 13:05

Dates published by the media:
6th-8th July 2005
(but not confirmed on any official websites yet).

More info:

The Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, beat Mr Blair to the Gleneagles announcement by informing the Italian press that the leaders had all been invited to Scotland. Mr Berlusconi said Mr Blair told them: "You will all have to wear kilts!"

Later when Blair was asked by the press if he wanted to apologise to the people of the Gleneagles area for the mayhem that would come with the G8 summit, Mr Blair said simply something like "Yes, I suppose I should, yes, is probably the answer."

Blair also said:
"Hopefully then we will have a series of actions..." but this is shamefully quoted out of context ;)

In 1977, the UK first hosted the G8 Summit in London and have hosted the G8 Summit a total of four times, first London 1977, then came London 1984 which saw the first counter conference coinciding with the, as it was then, G7 summit. Organised by "The Other Economic Summit", better known as TOES, which turned up to insert itself in the doorway of the great and good of the London Summit. Parallel to the summit, researchers, activists, mainly ecologists and alternative economists responded to the hunger strikes and nuclear problems to challenge the G7 member states, especially about their relationships with the countries of the South and the environment.

The English TOES then became the New Economics Foundation in London, but TOES remained the generic term for the summits held parallel to the G7 during the 80s which, between 1984 and 1988, evolved according to the different networks and coalitions of NGOs of the host countries. In time, these coalitions came to declare the G7 a symbol of "globalisation and neo-liberalism", which made little impact on public opinion as the alternative summits had limited publicity.

Then came London again in 1991, and of course Birmingham 1998....


Birmingham 1998 - we were f*cking avin' it!

11.06.2004 15:00

Follow the link for some pictures of Birmingham G8 protest

we ARE everywhere

we really need to . . .

12.06.2004 09:45

. . . disseminate information in the community around gleneagles to explain we're not there to fuck up their village (which will be greatly helped if nobody does fuck up their village, rural cottages are not a symbol of capitalism guys).

At dsei, locals I spoke to were supportive, but had no idea why we were there until I told them. We need to counter the media propaganda that is already spreading the line "protestors may cause trouble like they did in genoa" - pointing out the police beatings in the school/dormitary etc, talk about the aubonne bridge incident etc and establish that the police are not their to 'protect' the locals but to prevent dissent and guard murderers. Any one up scotland way want to take this on?

If we're serious about change, rather than just feeling revolutionary every time theres a summit, we need to engage with those outside of our movement who will otherwise swallow the state propaganda whole. Simply putting our side will open up the possibility in people's minds that the mainstream is full of propagandist nonsense, something few people are aware of or even consider.


more about dissent

12.06.2004 10:43

Dissent! is not an organisation. It is a network of communication and cooperation between independent local groups, who choose to take up the dissent! banner. Anyone who claims to speak on behalf of dissent! is lying. Strategically, most of what's going on right now is that local activists are strengthening their own affinity groups and projects, including lots of work on social centres - building the movement's infrastructures for whatever we decide to do when the G8 comes around. There are network-wide meetings every few months, but the website is open-posting and there are e-lists for continuing communication (details on the website). The basic principles of dissent! are adopted from the 'hallmarks' of the Peoples' Global Action network:

1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalisation.

2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds.
We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.

3. A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;

4. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism.

5. An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.


Someone tell the dinosaurs at PGA - The G8 is redundant!

15.06.2004 18:16

Why still focus on the G8 since it's virtually lost any credibility as a serious meeting in the mainstream press? Kolya Abramsky and the PGA appear to be seriously stuck in a rut.
The Davos meeting and Bilderberg meetings are much more where policy is decided for the G8 anyway! At Bilderberg we have the added bonus of campaigning against the head bankers from the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and World Bank/IMF and European Royalty. Bilderberg protesters can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Come on Kolya, come on PGA wake up!

This annual gathering of the world's richest nations has become redundant
08 June 2004
When leaders of the Group of Eight industrialised nations assemble at Sea Island in the US state of Georgia today for their 2004 summit, it will be, for most of them, the second time they have been gathered together this week, and it will not be the last............

Rapier of sanity

Armchair activism?

20.06.2004 20:15

Completely futile and perhaps just down right annoying for staff but couldn't help noticing the telephone number for Gleneagles is FREEphone 0800 389 3737

Winston Smith

Feel like u have been down this road before

28.06.2004 22:49

Another pointless march against the g8 just to get spied on, beaten, fitted up and imprisoned, all organised under SWP's monopolise resistance, great, whoopie!


So lets just sit at home...

20.10.2004 15:19

and send loads of pointless email petitions that will be ignored. or alternatively we can get off our collective arse and get up to gleneagles. respect the community and show the G8 that they are not welcome in this country (england or scotland, or anywhere for that matter)

I know what im doing.

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:


22.10.2004 13:41

We all know SWP are a bunch of monopolist bandwagon jumping scumbags.


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- Homepage:


26.11.2004 22:07

i was up at gleneagles abot a month ago and they could nt have chosen a better place, or? in order to get to the place the g8 meetings will be we need to get in cars buses or walk over the motor way. how will this be organized?



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