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Green Anarchy In the UK

anon | 20.05.2004 16:48 | Ecology | Free Spaces

July 1-4, 2004 Bilston Glen Anti-Bypass Protest Site For a life wild and free!

Green Anarchy In the UK

We have called this gathering to give green anarchists in the UK and elsewhere a great opportunity to get together and share thoughts, ideas and skills. Everyone interested is welcome, people new to green anarchist ideas as well as professional hunter-gatherers.
Green Anarchy In the UK

Our idea is to have two focuses on the gathering. On the one hand how to fight the mega-machine, that is civilization, and on the other learn how to survive and live in the wilderness. But exactly what work-shops we’re gonna have is not decided yet and we wanna have a flexible program so we can do what people feel like doing/discuss at the time. Look out for suggested work-shops on our webpage (se below). Please give us your suggestions. If you can, or know someone that can, hold primitive skill work-shops (or other work-shops), please contact us.

On Wednesday the 30th of June we’re planning to have a film showing and book stall somewhere in Edinburgh. Contact us or look on our webpage for location and time.

Food and accommodation will be free. The food will be freegan, vegan or nonvegan. Let us now if you have a special diet. Accommodation will be either in the trees or on the ground. Bring tent, sleeping bag and harness if you have (not necessary).

Our camp is located next to the village Bilston, south of Edinburgh, along the A701 road. Opposite the Volkswagen garage in Bilston is a gate after which there is a path that leads to the camp.

If you have questions or want more info you can contact us by phone (0774760655 , by e-mail ( or look us up on the web at, where there should be a link about the gathering soon and where you can find our snail-mail address.

See you in the woods!



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did u watch question time last night?

21.05.2004 09:25

the green MEP jean lambert on question time last night was an embarrassment. she had nothing to say on the Iraq war, privatistion, distrubtion of wealth, all she spouted on about was the EU.

the green party lost 1000s of potential votes due to lamberts poor performance last night, she was obviously pandering to the profesional types. i believe caroline lucas MEP would have done a lot better, and instead of having say 8 MEP on june 10th they will only get 4 thanks to jean lambert.

amusingly, george galloway said that the green party should call itself the "white party" as it has hardly black members.

the green party altough anti-war has this image of being a disatifisied middle class party and cannot atract people from the poor and muslim communities, this need not be the case.

green anarchist would do well to not follow their leaders.

disappointed green finger

Anarchists don't have leaders you moron

21.05.2004 17:31

The Green Party are worse than the SWP!
Reformist fucking bollocks!


& to follow on in August - EF! summer gathering

27.05.2004 18:47

and complementing the Green Anarchy gathering in July is the Earth First! Summer Gathering: a place to share skills and ideas on direct action for people & planet.

Dates & roughly where EF! Summer Gathering announced - contact us for flyers to distribute

Earth First! Summer Gathering 2004 - 4-9th August 2004, East Midlands

Every day we see those in power continue to wreak havoc on the planet and its inhabitants. Wage slavery and consumer culture dominate our lives. Vibrant diverse life is replaced by cold monotonous concrete. Forests are cut down. Animals are tortured and killed for profit. Billions are spent bombing, killing, maiming and destroying, while other people lack the means to meet their most basic survival needs.

But all around the world resistance is growing - Genetically Modified crops trashed, bulldozers destroyed, war machinery sabotaged, land squatted, offices disrupted, billboards subvertised… Involved in some of this resistance are people active with Earth First!

Earth First! is not an organisation or a campaign but a convenient banner for those who share similar ideas to act under. The general principles behind the name are non-hierarchical organisation and the use of direct action to confront, stop and eventually reverse the forces that are responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants.

Since 1992, the Earth First! Summer Gathering has been a space for everyone involved or interested in getting involved with ecological direct action, from around Britain and abroad, to come together, learn new skills and discuss ideas and plans for action.

For more details of what's happening and how it all works, look at the website or contact us.

- e-mail:



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