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Indymedia Culture - reviews

Ian Campbell | 28.04.2004 11:46 | Analysis | Culture | Oxford

Review of UNN 11

DIY media
DIY media

This latest video from Undercurrents represents another step forward. We have become used to their powerful content, but this video is powerful, is authentic, but is not raw. The production values and sheer professionalism of presentation make this sophisticated viewing for thinking people,Art Cinema with a message, creative filming, taut direction, all based on well researched facts.The feeling given is that of overwhelming honesty. We live on a planet in one world where everyones problems are our problems. They can only be faced by people who are aware of the facts, and we can learn from other peoples solutions to these problems. This video should be used in schools as a provoker of informed debate. It represents no vested interests, is not "sponsored", ie paid for by business interests, and only seeks to speak truth to all that will listen. View it and see for yourself.

Ian Campbell
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Is it showing anytime soon?

01.05.2004 23:47

Where can we get a look, or buy a copy?



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