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What happened to Wales Indymedia

Fozzy | 13.04.2004 00:40 | Indymedia | London

What has happend to Indymedia Wales? It has disappeared from the list of Indymedia sites without explanation.

A bit authoritarianism isn't it to just cut it off?

Tut fucking tut.

For those who might want to see it:



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good question

13.04.2004 06:55

Yes I was meaning to ask that too. The wales indymedia site deserves support
.Why is it excommunicated?


Lots of discussion in fact

13.04.2004 07:36

The issue has been there for some time.

The fact is that Indycymru is not Indymedia Wales.

Indycymru is not part of the Indymedia UK Network.
Indycymru is not part of the Global Indymedia Network.

So to be clear Indycymru is not an official Indymedia.
Indycymru agree with this.

Indeed Indycymru does not claim this on the website, does not have an 'about us' or 'mission statement', does not list the other Indymedia websites around the world etc.

This is why it was only ever listed on Indymedia UK and not on any of the other sites which carry the long list of other IMCs.

It _was_ listed for a long time under the list of local Indymedias on the UK site.

This was done some time ago to show support for a project (Indycymru) which said it wished to become part of the Indymedia Networks and was moving towards this. It was given support and encouragement, invited to uk indymedia network meetings etc etc.

However after over a year Indycymru has not moved towards this. It is not an open posting website but requires registration for any contributions. It has not gone throught the processes or adhered to the minimum standards necessary to become part of the Indymedia Networks. As such it does not participate in the Global Indymedia Network etc

So after a long period of support the time came to remove it from the list on the frontpage.

On the Indymedia mailing lists it's been made clear that people still support any moves Indycymru wishes to make to move towards IMC status. People have said they are willing to ofer help and actual support to the project.

On the contact page (which needs updating)
The details of Indycymru are proposd to be changed to come under another heading, not LOCAL IMCs, but FORMING IMCs and Related Projects (or something like that).

As said support is there, if people wish to work towards Indycymru becoming an IMC.


Indycymru Contact

13.04.2004 07:44

Indycymru needs support.

The mail list has been dead for ages and needs people.

If you can offer support or wish to get involved the list that was set up to organise Indycymru as an IMC (imc cymru), the list is here:


NYC IMC has registration also

15.04.2004 11:28

NYC IMC has registration, but it is still listed.

It all sounds a bit fishy to me.



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