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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

menwith hill blockade

trained_chimp | 06.03.2004 22:49

is anyone from the aberdeen area off to menwith hill for the cnd blockade on the 19th march?

a few ppl i know want to go, and would like to set up an NVDA affinity group and also see about transport getting there.



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Transport from Scotland

08.03.2004 01:25

There's a few of us going from the Central Belt. If you can get to Glasgow we can share transport. I was thinking of driving a minibus down, maybe after the CND benefit gig on the Thursday.
Some people are going down lunchtime on the Thursday but their vehicle is pretty much full.
The gig is in The Halt Bar on Woodlands Road, near Charing X, Glasgow.

Phone Scottish CND on 0141 423 1222 for more details or email


More details of tranport to Menwith

10.03.2004 21:57

Here's some more information about transport to Menwith for the Block the Base action on Friday 19th March
There's a minibus leaving Glasgow at midday on Thursday 18th March - contact Roz on 01555 820 555 or there's a minibus leaving George Square, Glasgow 7pm Thursday evening - Contact Phill at Scottish CND. We'll have to charge something to cover fuel and the van hire but I haven't worked out what that will be yet. We'll stay overnight in Leeds in a church so make sure to bring a sleeping bag and mat. At least one of the minibuses will be back for Friday night 'cos some of us want to be back for the Anti-war demo Glasgow on Saturday 20th March

I'll have more information/legal briefings/etc or you can download more at

The Block the Base action is why there hasn't been a Big Blockade at Faslane this year (yet) - last summer Yorkshire CND asked Scottish CND and Trident Ploughshares if we could move our date so they could hold their action...The next Big Blockade of Faslane is being planned for Monday 23rd August during the Trident Ploughshares two-week camp at Coulport.

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