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Faslane Peace Camper found guilty in Plymouth MAJOR case

j | 04.03.2004 15:24

Faslane Peace Camper one of those found Guilty in major anti-Trident case at Plymouth Crown Court.

The Devonport 3 were all found guilty today on all charges, after they were denied the use of their legal defence by Plymouth Judge Overend.

Sue Brackenbury, who has already served the equivalent of an eight-month sentence on remand, was released after she was sentenced to six months. Matt Bury and Shirley Law were each given a 12 month conditional discharge.

When summing up, the judge told Plymouth grandmother and veteran peace activist, Shirley, it was time to put down her bolt croppers and pick up her knitting needles, and to stay the right side of the fence! He acknowledged their passionately held beliefs in the possibility of a world free from nuclear weapons but maintained that they should take their protest “elsewhere.”

A spokesperson for Trident Ploughshares, Joss Garman, explained, “It was almost inevitable that the jury should find the campaigners guilty, when the judge refused the activists the right to put their legal defence of International law to the jury.”

He continued, “Each of the protestors will continue with their work for peace, based on simple principles of International Law ­ Trident is the crime, and threatens international peace.”

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04.03.2004 19:27

what was the defence? why was it refused? how often has this scenario occurred before? any info / links appreciated.


See the Press Release that came out each day during the trial

05.03.2004 11:26

Yes there are similar cases from Plymouth, but also mostly in Scotland. International Law, and the fact that Trident is blatantly illegal is usually the defence. (Hence "necessity"/self defence for a 3rd party/legal excuse)

You can see more on this case and cases similar at

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