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GM MAIZE COMMERCIALISED: Decision revealed today

j | 04.03.2004 15:21 | Bio-technology | Ecology | World

It was leaked to Greenpeace today that GM Maize is to be commercialised.

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Old news!

04.03.2004 18:49

This is old news... even the linked Greenpeace article is marked as "last edited on 25 Feb", and this was widely covered in the "popular" media, and here on Indymedia.


Old News?

04.03.2004 23:02

Was that some kind of disinformation to put readers off looking at the article? I have just looked back at the list of all the archives and have found nothing on this issue. I looked all the way back to 24th Feb and in fact there have only been a few articles about GM issues and nothing on this particular subject (unless I have missed something).

Also looking at the linked article the date says 'Last edited: 04-03-2004'!! And the article states that a vote was taken on.....the 4th March.

Brian B


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