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Ulla Roder, the activiste who disarmed a Tornadojet in march, issued a statement

Luddv | 27.12.2003 13:27 | Anti-militarism | London

Ulla Roder, the international peace-activiste who disarmed a Tornadojet in Leuchars last March, wrote an interesting statement. In a.o. things she explains why she believes the justice system in Scotland is designed to silence her and she believes she is not being provided with a fair trial. (surprice?) Ulla does not wish to escape justice, shee seeks it, but demands a fair trial. Her action was and is accountable!

Unfortunately, I believe the statement is too large to post here. It is downloadable from the homepage of Ulla's: "Keep Ulla Roder Free Campaign" web site. . You require acrobat reader to be able to read it, but if that is not available to you, we'd happily provide you with a different format on simple request.

The statement is certainly worth reading!


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Achievment ??

29.12.2003 13:53

An example of an individual who despite years of protest and action has achieved nothing. At worst a minor irritation.
A classic example of the wrong tactics at the wrong time against the wrong targets.
What a waste, what a shame.


One Tornado = a good start...

06.01.2004 17:57

Erm Ulla stopped one piece of military hardware from attacking Iraq. That's one more than the millions of us who demonstrated on February 15th managed to stop.

And 'wrong targets'? What were the right targets, exactly? I'm sure we'd be up for smashing up whatever has to be smashed up to stop the next capitalist war if only we knew what that was...

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