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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

Video of Tractors & Trollies

R2R | 10.11.2003 15:18 | Bio-technology | Cambridge | London | Oxford

Farmers, campaigners and consumers travelled from all over the UK to converge on London on the 13th October to express their opposition to the governments plans to allow the commerciallisation of genetically modified crops.

In the days running up to the event, 'pilgrims' traveled from as far afield as Wales, Cornwall and Scotland and visited significant 'bio-threat' locations such as Cambridge, Newbury, Weymouth and Oxford.

Short video (<5 mins) about the anti-GM rally in London on the 13th October.

Uploaded here are modem friendly RealMedia and Quicktime versions.

Also available in high bandwidth, high quality, VP3 from
and in PAL MPEG1 from



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Dead links? New links here...

31.12.2009 22:27

So you've come across this old article but the links don't work?

Over the years that real2reel have been posting videos and links to indymedia, technology and bandwidth have improved but websites have come and gone. While indymedia is still here, many of the sites which hosted our videos are long gone and any video you can still get at is usually only very low bandwidth versions which might have been great five years ago but are now rightly considered to be very poor quality in comparison with other videos now available online.

We've started going trawling the net and our own archives to get all those videos online again in as good quality as possible. We've been posting the videos to and from there they are also uploaded to youtube, and other sites.

We've set up a wordpress blog from which you can pull feeds.
You can also follow our new twitter account to hear about new videos as they are posted.

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