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Thousands of people force police retreat in Bolivia

zapata | 13.10.2003 21:28 | Globalisation | Repression | World

The police have been using teargas indiscriminately against the protests in El Alto. Thousands of people forced the police to retreat, and they prepare to seize the government palace.

Thousands of people force police retreat
translated by Zapata (13/10/2003 17:13)

translated from

( – The thousands of demonstrators that came from El Alto to La Paz (where the government houses), forced the police to retreat by way of their far greater numbers.

According to witnesses, the police stopped using gas and guns, deliberating on how to maintain order at the San Francisco square, nevertheless, they had to retreat to “la Unidad de Tránsito” where they prepared and waited for reinforcements to control the demonstrators.

The demonstrators who arrived in the morning at the center of La Paz, expressed their displeasure with the government of Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada given the situation of the country and demanded his resignation.
The local leaders that head this march said that it’s their objective to enter the Murillo square, where Government houses, although it was told that more police were arriving to keep them away.

Meanwhile, the confrontations in the San Francisco square continue and it was announced that other regions to this uprising to demand the resignation of the presideant and the cancellation of the hydrocarbon law and an end to the export of gas to the United States.



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Soldiers and protesters march towards La Paz

14.10.2003 03:17

Soldiers and protesters march towards La Paz
13/10/2003 22:41

tanks are driving towards La Paz
13/10/2003 21:11

Thirty Dead After Massacre in Gas War
13/10/2003 20:13

see fotolinks at



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