Tha dithis às gach triùir de mhuinntir na h-Alba a' meas gu bheil a' Ghàidhlig cudthromach do dhòigh beatha na dùthcha. Nochd seo à rannsachadh a rinn am BBC agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Ach aig a' cheart àm thuirt a' chuid mhòir de na chaidh a cheasnachadh nach robh Gàidhlig sam bith aca fhèin.
Taic mhor dhan Ghaidhlig ann an Alba
BBC Alba | 02.10.2003 17:35 | Culture | Education
Tha dithis às gach triùir de mhuinntir na h-Alba a' meas gu bheil a' Ghàidhlig cudthromach do dhòigh beatha na dùthcha. Nochd seo à rannsachadh a rinn am BBC agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Ach aig a' cheart àm thuirt a' chuid mhòir de na chaidh a cheasnachadh nach robh Gàidhlig sam bith aca fhèin.
BBC Alba
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Sorry, old boy. Didn't catch a word of that.
03.10.2003 11:27
The Man
Hi there !
03.10.2003 13:58
This is probably some coded message
03.10.2003 16:59
Sorry Old Boy - get back to Victorian Times
04.10.2003 09:23
Iain the young chap
04.10.2003 12:08
If you are not aware of this I am sorry. It is probably time to wake up then.
04.10.2003 12:35
Coltach gu bheil rudegin a dhith am broinn cheann an Ruta!
As someone put it recently on this wierdo community
04.10.2003 14:03
Read the Onion for tones of sarcasm as a method to portray news?
(I agree this is not the best way as I clearly have confused Iain)
As for Enemy combatants and our rulers,
Ruler == USA
'Enemy Combatant' : Most infamously the Guantonamo bay prisioners fall under this category.
OK for the BBC this is famously the enemies of 'our way of life' .
What it is really is anyone who is perceived to be a threat to 'our way of life' just becaue they seem foreign to us.
This trait is very evident in the UK as witnessed by the overwhelming support for 'Blair's war' to IMC volunteers censoring and at times spinning politically correct news.
Get it? If not read up the Onion for some time and ask again being specific what exactly is not clear.
sarcasm or spin?
04.10.2003 19:15
OK I will come out more frank, clear and clean then ....
04.10.2003 21:59
I do realise the
I cannot see any racist comments on this thread. If anyone misunderstands anything then refer to the sarcastic approach to news as in the Onion or even parts of the private eye.
As for the Onion I was pointing it out as someone else did the same to me on this newswire.
I personally think the onion is an american crappy website equally bad as the Private Eye which probably is more entertaining...... So I have enough of explaining.
I wish people boycotted the bloody BBC which has blood on its hands and adopted independent methods instead.
Slàn leibh.
"sorry old boy" did sound racist
05.10.2003 19:38
apart from the archaic language used
it potentially reinforced the alcohol stereo-type of the Scottish...ok maybe it was meant to be funny...didnt see it myself....someone once told me that the word Welsh (to broaden out this debate ) means "foreigner" in English..which is amazing to say that the angles and saxons came to this land after...but heh why dont you read the books by beresford-ellis (?) apparently the english were big on ethnic cleansing then too ..
david blaine
How about the "The Man" being ignorant?
05.10.2003 19:57
Maybe "The Man" works for the Special Branch?
Egg Thrower