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Bayer back out of GM trials

bayer beware | 28.09.2003 16:23 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Globalisation | Health

Bayer beginning to back out of GM?

According to today's Observer,"Bayer, has decided to halt UK trials of Genetically Modified Plants". The reason? Because someone keeps ripping them up, and apparently the government won't grant them dispensation from legislation which insists on disclosure of the exact location of all trials. Bearing in mind that Bayer are the biggest company involved with GM, this marks an importnat victory for those opposed to GM.

However,some analysts suspect that Bayer may, at a later date, use this a tool to persuade the government to to it's bidding: give us the protection we need or we stop all investment in the UK. Though this sounds like brinkmanship of the most desperate kind.

bayer beware


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Anti Bayer Website

28.09.2003 17:10

There is stuff about Bayer at the StopBayerGM website

- Homepage:

Hmm... here it is

28.09.2003 17:58

Damn pesky internet thingy... here goes again...
Here's the anti bayer website:



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