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Mad Pride

mad pride | 26.09.2003 15:32 | Health | London

Mad pride

More than 6000 people commit suicide in this country every year. Now the goverment is proposing to introduce community treatment orders with enforced medication. As a result, those in need of help will be too afraid to seek it.

Mad Pride is comprised of ex-psychiatric patients and others who campaign on mental health issues, pleading with the government to stop ignoring thousands of deaths and to start treating mentally ill people h umanely.

At the Hutton enquiry, which has been investigating the suicide of David Kelly, Mad Pride was present as part of their ongoing 'stop the suicides' campaign.

Mad Pride: 07958 907357
e-mail:  madpridelondon [at] or attend the next meeting – look on the website for details.

There will be showing of the Pete Shaughnessy film "With endless love", introduced by Simon Holder, at the Rio Cinema in Hackney, on Saturday night.

map pride t-shirt
map pride t-shirt

There will be showing of the Pete Shaughnessy film "With endless love", introduced by Simon Holder, at the Rio Cinema in Hackney, on Saturday night.
The Rio is at 107 Kingsland High Street, Hackney E8, Dalston Kingsland BR, 149 bus from Liverpool Str eet. This is a late showing, which means that it starts after 11pm, and the admission charge is £7.
Also showing will be Simon McClellan's film about schizophrenia, "Some voices", with David Morrissey ('The deal'), Daniel Craig ('The road to perdition', 'Our friends in the north') and Kelly Macdonald ('Trainspotting'). Read even more.

Other related campaigns: Masterson Family Campaign


mad pride
- e-mail: madpridelondon at
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Mad Pride

21.03.2004 23:50

I visited the site included in this article, and was really impressed at this positive attitude taken towards mental illhealth. Presently, I am studying medicine and I have a keen interest in Psychiatry, but I do not fully agree with the way in which psychiatric illness is delt with in the UK. Simply prescribing patients pills may reduce their symptoms, and it may be more pleasent for the general public, but it does not completely solve the problems the patient has encountered in the first place. I feel that decreasing the stigma attached to psychiatric illness will help patients deal with their problems more openly and should hopefully reduce the suicide rate in Britain. This is a very positive step in reducing the incidence and mortality associated with psychiatric problems.

Ashley Monaghan
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Homellesnes and Mental Health

04.05.2006 14:21

Nobody in this country should be homeless if they do not wish to be. Homelessness was dangerous, degrading and full of hopelessness, I survived but I had a miserable existence. Mental health services for children and young people are being cut and a new generation of homeless youngsters is emerging, it just isn’t good enough. Self harm amongst young people has reached epidemic proportions. Despite millions being poured into the NHS, the services aren’t there for them. Money was wasted, services are being withdrawn and at the same time it is getting harder to claim benefits. Many charities now exist to help the vulnerable, statutory services do a bad job, more funding should to go to charities and less to the statutory services.

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