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Rally in Edinburgh on Saturday 27th : Justice for Palestine - Out of Iraq

Ian | 26.09.2003 08:38

The Scottish Coalition for Justice not War, which organised the anti-war
protests in Scotland, is holding a rally to draw attention to the lies told
by the Government and the lives being lost in Iraq and Palestine.

The rally will take place from 12 noon to 2 pm on Sat 27 Sep at Mound Place,
The Mound, Edinburgh.

The following are quotes from those who will be speaking:

Isobel Lindsay (Chair of the Scottish Coalition for Justice not War) -

“The events which have emerged from the Hutton Inquiry have demonstrated the
dishonesty and deception of Tony Blair and his government in relation to the

Eleanor Scott MSP (Scottish Green Party) -

“We were told that the bombardment of Afghanistan, and subsequently the
invasion of Iraq, were necessary to make the world a better place. No-one
believed it then and we've been proved right - we're making the world a
progressively less safe place for our children. We've got a huge task to do
to undo the damage done, but for our children's sakes we have to start now.”

Colin Fox MSP (Scottish Socialist Party) -

''Err in haste repent at leisure''- a quote surely at the forefront of
George Bush and Tony Blair's minds presently. After rushing headlong into an
invasion of Iraq they now find themselves occupying a land where they are
not wanted.   I don't see any reason why the Iraqi people will act any
differently from peoples the world over who  have faced a foreign occupation
of their land.”

Wael Shawish (Scottish Campaign for Palestinian Rights) -

“Britain’s abstention in the recent vote over Arafat at the United Nations
makes one wonder if Tony Blair still has control of his faculties.
Following the American line over Iraq has landed the Prime Minister in
trouble - and now he is doing the same over Palestine.”

Author AK Kennedy, Iraqi Susan Karim and a spokesperson from the STUC will
also be speaking.

Further information including a briefing on Tony Blair’s lies is available

The Muslim Association of Britain has organised a bus from Glasgow leaving
North Hanover St at 10 am.  Seats at 2.50 return can be booked from 07814
870158 or

If you no longer wish to recieve messages from Scottish CND please email with unsubscribe as the subject.

Scottish CND, 15 Barrland St, Glasgow, G41 1QH, 0141 423 1222



Hide the following 4 comments

Suicide bombers are the real issue!

26.09.2003 09:07

Thousands of Israeli civilians have killed or maimed by suicide bombs from Islamic extremist groups. It is these terrorists who are the real issue and who are preventing the peace process in the Middle East. Also coalition forces cannot abandon Iraq until peace and stability has been restored and a new government set up to run the country. America is pouring 70 billion dollars into rebuilding Iraq as well.


Rockwell misses half the problem

26.09.2003 10:37

Rockwell mentions murdered Israeli civilians. The attacks on them are indeed undermining the chances of peace.

But he fails to mention that even more Palestinian civilians have been murdered by the Israeli armed forces. It takes all sides to make peace and the current Israeli government is not interested in peace, but only in war. Sadly many Israeli voters have been taken in by the lie that their government can win this war. Hopefully it is dawning on more and more that they cannot. The sooner the Israeli government is replaced by one that is interested in peace the sooner there will be a chance of peace. They would then be able to take the moral high ground, at the moment they are just as bad as their opponents.


.. consequences ..

26.09.2003 10:50

Thousands of Israeli civilians have killed or maimed as a consequence of:

.. sucide bombs, which are themselves the consequence of:

.. islamic etremist groups, which are a consequence of:

.. the invasion of Palestine by jewish extremists.

I can tell, by your one sided grasp of these consequences ( .. what about the tens of thousands of Palestinians deaths, the hundreds of thousands of injuries and the destruction of any hope for civil society for all peoples of the region, which numbers its victims in the millions?) that you are caught up in the fantasy of [racial] superiority, which is a consequence of brainwashing & mythological manipulation ..

.. my sky ghost is bigger than your sky ghost ..

"America is pouring 70 billion dollars into rebuilding Iraq as well."


Amerika is pouring $87 bilion into the hands of private companies - deeply intertwined with the election stealers in the white house - to rebuild iraq ...with the consequences of a coca cola koran culture and the repatriation (to the usa) of every scrap of iraqi national resources they can move (it's called capitalism and is what 'client' states are for!).

Rockwells position is a pseudo-political one based on the consequences of maintaining the fantasy of the innocence of israel, zionism and the redeeming qualities of profit based systems.

Give it up lad, that horse is dead.

mail e-mail:

Please dont feed the Troll

26.09.2003 11:52

It only encourages our BNP hitler loving chum, just have a quiet giggle and move on.



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