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Ulla’s Pre-Trial Hearing Continues Friday

Free Ulla Campaign | 15.09.2003 21:16 | Anti-militarism

URGENT: Supporters Needed for Important Pre-hearing

Today the Sheriff set another pre-trial diet to discuss witness relevance and the right to a line of defence that the Procurator Fiscal assumed to be relevant. This was despite objections from Ulla’s defence solicitor. The next hearing will now be on Friday the 19th September at 9am in Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court.

The PF objected to the relevance of expert witnesses and to the relevance of part of the defence, despite his being unaware of what the witnesses will state. Ulla said, “The PF was making his own presumptions as to my line of defence.”

Supporters in court were also not allowed to take any notes or records of the proceedings. A supporter asked for an explanation as to why these were denied, but an answer was not forthcoming.

All interested in this trial are urged to attend this hearing which is of great public interest, and which is effectively the beginning of Ulla’s trial. Please pass on this message to others that could attend.

Accommodation for supporters is available Friday evening at the Church Hall in Kinghorn. Please bring a sleeping bag. Accommodation is also available as of Saturday lunchtime near Kirkcaldy. Please ring the Free Ulla Campaign on 01592 891786 if requiring accommodation or for further details.

Hope to see you there.
"Keep Ulla Free" campaign.

Free Ulla Campaign, 72 High Street, Kinghorn, Fife. KY3 9UE, Scotland

Donations: Please make cheques payable to 'Trident Ploughshares' and send to the Campaign address above. Or make a transfer to DK33 53 94 0000 674 093 (for Danish Crown *Apologies for previous incorrect account details*) or BE94 0012 0551 7414 (for Euro) Many thanks.

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tiny correction

15.09.2003 22:01

> Today the Sheriff set another pre-trial diet to discuss witness relevance
> and the right to a line of defence that the Procurator Fiscal assumed to be
> relevant.

I think u mean 'that the PF assumed to be irrelevant'.

Sorry to be picky.... ..

Anyway, love + good luck to ulla!



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