Sticks, boots and bare fists beat a rhythm of resistance on the razor-wire fence around Scotland’s refugee prison, Dungavel, last Saturday 6th September. Over 1,000 demonstrators travelled to the south Lanarkshire countryside to demand the closure of Dungavel and freedom for the men, women and children imprisoned within.
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Solicitor Aamer Anwar urged people to attend Dungavel detainees’ court cases and if possible to offer these refugees hospitality in their home, thus enabling more refugees to be freed on bail, like Mercy Ikolo, now staying with MSP Rosie Kane.
Demonstrators called for ongoing action to shut Dungavel down. “1-2-3-4 We don’t want Dungavel no more! 5-6-7-8 We don’t want your racist state!” furiously chanted a group of young Scottish Asian women. Protestors came from far and wide, locals from Ayrshire Friends of Refugees mingling with banners from Campsfield and Manchester , from the EIS Scottish Teachers Union, the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees and many more.
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Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees can be contacted c/o FBU, 52 St Enoch Square, Glasgow G1 National Coalition Anti Deportation Campaigns 0121 554 6947