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Stop the Block!

Mike S. | 25.08.2003 14:19

The Vlaams Block - the Flemish racist anti-immigration party are coming to the Scottish Parliament - lets organise a special welcome...

Oozing Charisma
Oozing Charisma

Stop the Block!

The Vlaams Blok, (or Flemish Bloc) have been invited to bring a delegation to Scotland on the 11th September. The Vlaams Blok are a racist anti-immigration party based around Antwerp and Ghent in Belgium. After consulting the Foreign Office (sic) functionaries in the Scottish Parliament recently okayed the visit.

The Presiding officer of the Scottish Parliament, George Reid missed the point when he said: "All the MPs are elected in a free and democratic vote. Members of the Scottish Parliament would object strongly if another legislature tried to determine our delegations. I am confident that Labour, Liberal, Conservative and Green MSPs will wish to meet their opposite numbers. Whether members wish to meet the Vlaams Blok representative is entirely up to them."

But while the politicians dress-up this as being constrained by Euro-Etiquette we don’t need to be cowed by the conventions of parliamentary niceties. Vlaams Block are a racist and fascist organisation and should be given a special welcome.
The Welsh Assembly recently refused to welcome a delegation including Vlaams Blok members and the stronger-powered Scottish Parliament could easily have followed their example.
After the disgrace of the Ay families detention and expulsion from Scotland we’re fast gaining a reputation as a place of racism that welcomes fascists.

The Vlaams Blok is a hardline nationalist group with active backing from the French National Front. It’s into cultural protectionism and wants immigrants to be forced to learn Flemish. Led by the ‘charismatic’ Filip Dewinter it’s part of a wider rise of the far-right across Europe given respectability by the trappings of power. But suits and offices can’t disguise their dirty racist policies.

Mike S.
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