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Coulport-News, 15.08.2003

fwd/translation | 19.08.2003 12:36 | Anti-militarism | Ecology

The camp is finishing today. Over 70 people participated at the camp, the numerous actions and workshops. In total the police took 41 custodies. Yesterday the attempt of 12 activists failed to break through the fence of the nuclear weapons basis Faslane.

activist in the water
activist in the water

near the nuclear weapon basis
near the nuclear weapon basis

in police custody for a short time
in police custody for a short time

the fence is cut
the fence is cut

Trident Ploughshares International Disarment Camp 02.08.-15.08.2003

This year's international action camp in Coulport finished with a party. Over 70 people from Scotland, England, Wales, North Ireland, Ireland, Belgium, Sweden, France and Germany have taken part and 30-40 people were constantly present at the camp.
Numerous action took place and the police took 41 custodies.
Several times it was achieved to enter the nuclear weapons basis in Coulport and Faslane. The workshops were well attended and focussed on the british military basis and the actions at those as well as practical aspects of direct actions.

There were also actions in the last days.
On Wednesday a swedish activist swam towards the directions of the nuclear weapons basis Faslane and displayed a banner “Mr. Blix I’ve found them” refering to the search of the weapons of mass distruction in Iraq. The police finished the action and took her back to the shore with a boat.
Yesterday a bigger action failed when 12 activists tried to enter the nuclear weapons basis in Faslane. Sadly the police was very quickly at the place and took away a tool with which a hole was cut in the fence and took 5 activists in custody. At the moment they have all been released.



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Video clip of foiled attempt

20.08.2003 12:15

51 second clip of foiled attempt to break into base.

Two low bandwidth modem friendly versions available...


Video clip of foiled attempt

20.08.2003 13:11

As the MIR system is not generating the correct links with articles for video media here they are:

51 second clip of foiled attempt to break into base.

Two low bandwidth modem friendlier versions available...

realmedia ( ultra compressed at 1/4 M )

quicktime ( 3 M )



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