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Coulport News - 12th August

Joss Garman, Trident Ploughshares | 12.08.2003 18:12 | Anti-militarism | World

The Trident Ploughshares International Disarmament Camp continues with arrests now totalling 34. Ulla Roder today appeared in court where a new trial date was fixed.

Ulla Roder has had a new trial date fixed. Her trial will now go ahead at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on 22nd September, with her next pre-trial hearing on the 9th September. Contrary to some reports, she does not have conditions on her bail. See

Last night 4 activists were arrested as two swam into Faslane, and 2 swam into Coulport. 3 of those 4 activists are still in custody and will appear in court tomorrow. This follows on from the security breach at faslane on the 10th when 2 TP activists managed to enter the top-security area surrounding the submarines.

Joss Garman appeared at Helensburgh District COurt for a trial this morning. However, this was not allowed to go ahead because Karen Fallon (co-accused) was not present. This is because Karen is not allowed to leave Ireland, due to the disarmament of a US Navy Plane she carried out at Shannon Airport, earlier this year. See

Joss Garman, Trident Ploughshares
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