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2003: The summer of Resistance Camping

ab | 07.08.2003 22:57 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Education | Globalisation | Indymedia | World

The summer of Resistance Camping is still ongoing. Starting of with the convergence of protesters against the G8 in Evian, tents and food kitchen have moved on to the noborder camps and various other activist gatherings in the sun, organised around particular pressing issues, such as computing (also see WSIS [1,2]), antinuke or ecology.

Being on-line (both washing and internet wise) at the CCC 01
Being on-line (both washing and internet wise) at the CCC 01

The noborder tour has currently arrived in Cologne [pics] with the activists at the"Out of Control" Camp, protesting against institutional racism and opposing neonazis.Feature, Imc Germany

Meanwhile the geek community is educating itself till the 10th of august in the Chaos Communication Camp near Berlin, and broadcasting live over the Subether web radio and webcam. For more info, explore the: Wiki. pics

The Anti-Nuclear Peace Campers play seek and hide with policemen near Coulport, opposing Trident's military basis at Faslane and the environmentalists look forward to the EF! Summer gathering in the North of Yorkshire not only to build compost loos.

The toughest summer holiday destination for activists is currently in Mas'ha, where peace activists try to convince the local people of the Middle East that building a wall is not a good idea for building long-term peace, community, understanding and living together.

Other activist camps were taking place in East Germany, where people gather repeatedly against the plan of the biggest European military shoot and bomb area "Bomb-O-Drome", which would be situated near a lake and recreational nature park about 100km away from Berlin [pics]. The protests against the military usage of this area are over 10 years old and the movement is said to be the strongest democratic and emancipatory resistance community group of cititzens in East Germany. more info.
It is hoped, that the resistance against this military bombing exercise area will be successfull, such as in the case of Vieques, an island near Puerto Rico which was finally given up in may 2003 as a military area used for decades sinde the 1930s by the US military. Thousands were arrested and repressed in the struggle, and the island will be poisoned and highly contaminated for years, if not decades or even longer. Already, the remaining islanders have a cancer rate of 26 % higher than in the rest of Puerto Rico, and it is forbidden to eat any fish caught in the waters in a distance fewer than 20km away from the island.
Other camps taking place momentarily are the Anarchist Camp and the Anti-nuclear Camp, both in Germany.



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Larzac 2003 - The first days

09.08.2003 13:15

In the South of France, in the politically significant Causse du Larzac, over 100,000 people have converged for an immense gathering altermondialiste [1]. Opposing the World Trade Organisation’s meeting next month people have travelled to the huge 190 hectare site lent by the paysans. The weather scorching, the traffic jams long, water short, the discussion wide ranging and the speeches clear against the WTO.

First impressions from the ground from volunteers, report of goodwill, thoughtful debate, the size of the event and the temperature. They also mention reservations about top down and male orientated organisation. All fr: .

The corporate press outside France seems to have gone overboard on discussing the gastronomy of the festival. Inside politics prevail. Already attacked by Jean-François Copé a government spokesperson as “mark[ing] the return of an extreme organized left” – discussed here fr: on IndyMedia Paris . Also a minister has had to respond, and try an rebuff, a call from José Bové, to Raffarin “to have the courage to set up a debate before the summit in Cancún”. A report of the opening meeting talked of a tried but in combative tone Bové, recalling the history of the paysans of Larzac. It also mentions an opening speech from an owner of the grounds; Lori Wallach on the WTO and it’s work against democratic law; Gustave Messiah against poverty as discrimination; Abdelaziz of the Movement of Immigration and the Suburbs (MIB); Yannick Jadot of Greenpeace; and more.

More reports FR:

[1] altermondialiste not antimondialiste… D’AUTRES MONDES SONT POSSIBLES

apologies if anything hasn’t been translated correctly... my French isn’t too hot :-( getting better mind…



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