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Government Gone Mad - Official.

Madame | 12.07.2003 12:11 | Education | London

The Nanny State now wants to dictate every nuance of our personal and private life.

Teach kids about sex when they are five...,,174-741901,00.html

...but if they indulge in 'petting' before they are sixteen, teenagers could face five years detention.,,174-741674,00.html

I have a five year-old, who still sucks a dummy and thinks his "wee-man" is only for taking a pee, and THAT'S HOW IT SHOULD BE!

I also have a fifteen year-old son, who is almost six feet tall. I can't imagine him arriving at Boot Camp - with a 'love-bite' - for a five year stretch and having to tell the other cons, he's in for "necking."

'Petting' is how teenagers from time immemorial have learned about sex, what feels good and what doesn't, from hands on experience, not from some clinical school manual, when they are five!

...But what bothers me most is that the government introduces these absurd and obscene measures without so much as a whimper of protest from the parents whose children will be the victims of this mental or actual rape.

The only group with an interest in making tots sexually aware, is the paedophiles pulling the strings in every government body and institution.



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Messing with our body sense

12.07.2003 13:01

and screwing up our developing sexuality
This has been the game of all centralist societies for many a long day.
Now it's becoming more formalised and legilated for.
To produce a more docile and manipulable population.
A guy called Wilhelm Reich analysed the whole issue in 'The Mass Psychology of Fascism'
Which is what we have now.




12.07.2003 15:20

Dr. Reich advocated non-repression of natural sexual development in children, but not by nurturing promiscuity from infancy with legislation.



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