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ISM Reports: Nick & Alice Still Held By Shin Bet (Israeli Security Services).

ISM Media Office (c.) | 10.05.2003 18:55 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Repression

The Latest News On British Arrestees

Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine

Media Advisory

Update on Detention of Two British Activists at Erez Border Crossing

It has been twenty eight hours since, at 8:30 PM on Thursday evening, May 8, 2003, two British Internationals were detained at Erez border crossing at the entrance to the Gaza strip. The Internationals are Nick and Alice. Both have been held at the crossing with no arrest and no charges. The police have actually refused to arrest them. There is no reason to arrest them. There are no charges pending.

Neither Nick or Alice have had any sleep. There is no place to sleep at the border crossing. Nick was interrogated for many hours by the Shin Bet (Security Services).

They are being told that they are being deported. Alice has said that their plans were to leave the country anyway. However, the pair would like to go back to Rafah to collect the remainder of their belongings, say goodbye to friends and then leave the country as planned by boat from Haifa.

Nick and Alice are being held as part of the overall execution of a plan to remove ISM from the West Bank and Gaza. The plan targets Internationals heading to Gaza in particular. Upon arrival at the border crossing, one is presented with a form to fill out. It absolves Israel of all responsibility in the case an International is injured or killed and in addition forces the International to waive all basic rights.

Nick and Alice signed this document.

They have asked that people call Erez on 08 6741557 to inquire why they are being held illegally and when they will be released.For UK, Please call THE FOREIGN OFFICE 020 7008 1500, Also Contact your MP and Prime Minister

For Israel Contact Israeli Minister of Interior, Tel: +972-2-629-
4701; Fax: +972-2-629-4750
Israeli Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom Fax: +972-2-5303704 e-mail:
Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz Fax: +972-3-6916940, 6976990 e-mail:
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon fax: (+972-2) 566-4838 or 651-3955 or

ISM Media Coordinator
Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine
++972 2 277 4602

ISM Media Office (c.)
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10.05.2003 19:04

Last Update: 10/05/2003 21:14

ISM activist arrested Friday in Beit Sahour to be deported

By Haaretz Staff and Agencies

The Interior Ministry decided Saturday to deport an American peace activist from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) after being arrested, along with an Australian colleague, during a raid Friday on the ISM offices in the West Bank town of Beit Sahour.

Arrested were Christine Razowsky, 28, from Chicago, and Australian national Miranda Sissons, an employee of the New York-based human rights group Human Rights Watch, as well as Palestinian Fida Gharib, 22, a secretary for the organization, police said.

in the west bank

Nick and Alice Free

13.05.2003 17:53

Alice also held for 2 hours by British Police under Terrorism Act on coming back to London. She has just been released.

Nick is back in Scotland this Tuesday afternoon. He gives a press statement tommorrow.

He said earlier today:

"I'm free now. Alice is (as far as I'm aware) still on her flight back to the UK. [] I am unharmed and the security services didn't fuck with me too much, as I pretty much consented to be flown back to Scotland. Alice faired much worse and sustained blisters to her hands while being held in an isolation cell in Sokhar immigration holding centre (where she should never have been taken - the place is an all male facility) and was later transfered to Hadeera women's prison, before flying to London, via Istanbul on Turkish airlines. The state of Israel paid for her ticket, the ISM paid for my ticket to have its date transfered."



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