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Anti-government graffiti in Dundee

Imperialflygod | 13.04.2003 17:19

Some cool anti-imperialist graffiti

Anti-government graffiti in Dundee
Anti-government graffiti in Dundee

Spotted beside Seagate bus station in Dundee, this cool anti imperialist graffiti across a Conservative party billboard.



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Illiterate tossers

13.04.2003 19:10

And who or what, pray, are the "Polis"?

Sid and Doris Bonkers


13.04.2003 19:27

The "Polis" is Scottish for "busies" sometimes known as the forces of law'n'order otherwise known as the buggers that nick your cannabis.

Steven Johnston

About time too.

13.04.2003 21:17

Glad to see there's life up in Dundee, shame the bus to london demo had to be cancelled cos not enough people. including surrounding towns.


bus to london?

14.04.2003 13:56

Why wid we want to go tae a shitheap like london when we can march from point to point in a city in our ain shitty country in a depressingly tedious and impotent way, to hear the same auld sad politicians spouting the same auld shite?

Or we could do neither, and just hit the streets for a wee bit of direct action, or some subvertising propganda.

By the way, I assume the only reason buses were bokked in the first place wis because STW coalition were attempting to undermine the Glasgow demo by publicising London. The movement has began to eat itself already. Thats whit happens when ye concentrate on big spectacular but boring demos, as opposed to a concerted campaign of direct action. But then, ye cannae expect the likes of the Scottish Socialist Party to be condoning, let alone promoting, civil disobedience when an election is looming. Tommy Sheridan acts the outlaw when it suits him, but he wisnae feart tae grass up the anti-poll tax street fighters a few years back, and he has stifled the movement for direct action this time around. Class sell-out, yet again.

aye, right!

who's the sellouts

14.04.2003 23:09

What is the SWC in SCOTLAND is it diffrent kind of people,
who could make any diffrence, has there been protests, traffic stopping, etc in DUNDEE. I thought Tommy Sheridan went to jail over poll tax, I never heard anything of him sticking anyone in. This is an international issue and i'm sure other countries, wont be arguing over who's protest were bigger, who stopped the most traffic, they will be focusing on what there out there protesting about and trying to come together.


no leaders

15.04.2003 11:07

“What is the SWC in SCOTLAND is it diffrent kind of people,
who could make any diffrence, has there been protests, traffic stopping, etc in DUNDEE.”

Indeed there has been action in Dundee. For details and analysis see:

“I thought Tommy Sheridan went to jail over poll tax, I never heard anything of him sticking anyone in.”

As I said, he likes to play the outlaw when it suits. I well remember him stating on TV that he would co-operate with police, have an enquiry, and publish the names of the “trouble makers” who started the riot (though obviously he didn’t mean the cops who attacked the protesters) From a short critique of Tommy and the anti-poll tax movement he sought to lead:

Tommy Sheridan was flown down to appear at the end of the London
rally and as the 'leader' of the All Britain Anti Poll Tax
Federation was pitched into the controversy surrounding the
police attack on demonstrators. Sheridan and Steve Nally, the
Militant London activist who was the Secretary of 'the Fed.' were
instructed by the Militant leadership, then led by Peter Taffe
and the ailing Ted Grant that the riot was a 'godsend' to the
Tories and would 'alienate' activists from the anti poll tax
movement. The script was that "200 to 250 of these individuals
intent on causing trouble" had sabotaged the march (Tommy
Sheridan BBC 31-3-90).

Urged by the 'consensus conspiracy' that passes for news
coverage, Tommy declared "we condemn it totally" and both he and
Nally came out with the statement that "our Federation is going
to be conducting an internal inquiry to try and root out the
troublemakers" (Sheridan, LWT News 1st April) "...which will go
public and if necessary name names" (Nally, ITN 1st April).

In the months to come there was uproar in the APTF, both at
federation level and in the local Anti-poll tax groups. Dozens of
houses in Hackney and elsewhere were raided by riot police. The
media conducted their populist witch-hunt to identify the
'ringleaders'. Eventually the clamour died down. Instead of
resistance to the poll tax disintegrating it was Thatcher's
government which was rocked and a salutary lesson was learned as
to 'who your friends were'. The so-called internal inquiry never
got beyond the drawing board, such was the level of outrage that
basic solidarity with the marchers attacked by the police,
imprisoned and in some cases jailed, had been breached.

Politicians of any and all parties will sell you out in the end.

michael c

Anarchists or people out for a fight

16.04.2003 01:50

We're being bombarded with this group and that. I'm sick of hearing who's the ones that'll bring the revolution. Some good info fae spunk, I've been south fer many years now and still feel a they so called revolutionists, too like the bastards wiv been fighting a wir life. But it worries me a bit tae talk aboot anarchy then no acknowledge that thir is some mad bastards on the demos that'll hurl bottles aboot when thirs fowk we bairns. No it shouldniv been left tae the polis, it wid be good tae get some backing tho, and thats no alwis the case' But sayin that when ev been we the bairns and the polis are aboot tae rush yeh' thirs been fowk ready for thim and put thirsell upfront geein us a chance tae get awa we the bairns. eh widna call meself an anarchist, eh let ither fowk dae that. can we no just come the gether, like a lot o fowk thats never been on a demo in thir life. Eh dinna gie a shit what group the join, if thats whit it taks tae get them tae think, and hopefully they'll meet somebody that'll inspire them tae think for thereselves. And then mehbe fowk'll be able tae join the gether and stand on thir own at the same time. Or mehbe they'd be to worried aboot some expert telling thim there schizophrenic!!!!!!!



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