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Demonstration against the use of Depleated Uranium

the cur | 23.03.2003 21:48 | Anti-militarism | Ecology | Technology

Demonstration against the use of Depleated Uranium in Iraq and Galloway.

The United Nations adopted resolutions 1996/16, 1997/36 which included depleated uranium weapons among "weapons of mass or indiscriminate destruction", being incompatible with International humanitarian or human rights law.

In 1980 in reply to a question, Francis Pym defence secretary announced to the House that depleated weapons would be tested on open range at the Military Vehicles Test and Evaluation Establishment Kirkcudbright, in Galloway, South West Scotland.

DU shells were used in the first Gulf War and also being used in the present attack on Iraq. They were being tested in Dundrennon, Galloway about 1 month before the present attack on Iraq. Some of these shells are known to fall short of their intended resting places on the sea bottom ( they fire them out into the toxic dumping ground that is the Solway Firth).

DU has created(creating) a total disaster on the Iraqi people and their environment. It is widely believed to have caused monumental levels of cancers, leukaemia, cleft palates and many other defects.

Anybody interested in protesting at the use of these weapons in Iraq and Galloway are invited to make their protests heard on:

Saturday 3rd May at 1pm
Dundrennon, by Kirkudbright, Galloway, South West Scotland.

DU shells are only tested in Britain at Dundrennon, by Kirkudbright, Galloway, South West Scotland.

the cur


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Depleted Uranium

02.05.2003 12:38

The continued use of DU by the current british government/army in yugoslavia, afghanistan and now Iraq is deplorable.
It confirms the hypocrisy of one rule for our righteous selfs and another for the plebs 'democracy' / (propaganda machine).
Since the UN have deemed Depleted Uranium Shells (shot from Challenger 2 tanks) an illegal weapon of mass destruction perhaps this is part of the reason the 'coallition' of US and UK forces desicion to press on unilaterally

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